Setting of Sponge Layers in Ocean Modeling

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Setting of Sponge Layers in Ocean Modeling

#1 Unread post by hyc006 »

I'm currently attempting to implement a model with a sponge layer, but I'm encountering confusion regarding the specification of the sponge layer's width. Below is the relevant excerpt from my code in the ana_sponge.h file:

Code: Select all

#elif defined SHALLOW
!  Shallow Ocean With An Island, Island Wake be reduce by sponge Layer at Boundary.
!  Set horizontal mixing factor over 10 grid points in the eastern boundary.
        MIXING(ng) % visc2_r(IstrT:IendT,JstrT:JendT)=0.0_r8
        MIXING(ng) % visc2_p(IstrT:IendT,JstrT:JendT)=0.0_r8
!  Eastern edge.
      DO i=MAX(IstrT,IendT-INT(width)),IendT
        DO j=JstrT,JendT
          MIXING(ng) % visc2_r(i,j)=400.0_r8
          MIXING(ng) % visc2_p(i,j)=400.0_r8
        END DO
      END DO

Initially, I interpreted the width parameter as indicating that the sponge layer would be applied to the easternmost 10 grid points. However, the resulting simulation suggests that the sponge layer extends further than intended.
Furthermore, I attempted to adjust the width by setting it to width = 3, but this adjustment did not seem to significantly alter the behavior of the sponge layer.
Could someone offer insight into what might be amiss in my implementation? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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