ROMS development cost according to the SCC program

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ROMS development cost according to the SCC program

#1 Unread post by arango »

A little bit of fun trivia. If we use the Sloc Cloc and Code (SCC) program (, it gives us an estimate of the cost in US dollars of developing ROMS, which we give you for free. The number will be much higher if we put the actual salaries of the people involved. So, next time you complain about ROMS, please remember this and be kinder in your requests. These stats are only for the ROMS GitHub repository:

Code: Select all

$ scc --no-gitignore --sloccount-format --avg-wage 95000


Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity


FORTRAN Legacy             472    612599    16208    164717   431674      12312

C Header                   349    255684     5713      2799   247172       5494

Autoconf                   100    217937    16105         0   201832      49956

Makefile                    49     10525     1416      2475     6634          1

Shell                       33      8038     1485      2474     4079        580

C Shell                     29      5323      891      1855     2577        504

CMake                       24      1998      280       448     1270         79

Perl                         5      1295      108       306      881         94

YAML                         5      9425      858       409     8158          0

Markdown                     4       360       71         0      289          0

Korn Shell                   1        52        6        13       33          0

Plain Text                   1       129       33         0       96          0


Total                     1072   1123365    43174    175496   904695      69020


Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                     = 904,695

Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months)      = 254.31 (3,051.68)

(Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.40*(KSLOC**1.05)*1.00)

Schedule Estimate, Years (Months)                              = 4.39 (52.73)

(Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.50*(person-months**0.38))

Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule)       = 57.87

Total Estimated Cost to Develop                                = $57,976,977

(average salary = $95,000/year, overhead = 2.40)


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Re: ROMS development cost according to the SCC program

#2 Unread post by pmaccc »

Cheap at twice the price!

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