Creating initial field, boundary field files from grid files

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Creating initial field, boundary field files from grid files

#1 Unread post by zhaolv »

I have a question now. Why some grid files have all zero data in clm and bdy files when creating initial and boundary files? Including u, v, temp, salt and other data.
I am currently using the GridBuilder program to create the grid. However, I have found that the grid files generated using this program have zero data for u, v, temp etc. when creating the primary boundary file.
I'm sure it's not a network fluctuation problem because when I create the grid using the method in COAWST, the data is present in the regenerated primary boundary file.The time period I used was 13-17 September 2018
I have placed the grid generated by my GridBuilder below in the hope that you can help me.
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Re: Creating initial field, boundary field files from grid files

#2 Unread post by zhaolv »

Does anyone know what the cause is, please?

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Re: Creating initial field, boundary field files from grid files

#3 Unread post by kate »

You haven't told us which tools you are using to generate initial and boundary files. Impossible to say from here what's wrong.

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Re: Creating initial field, boundary field files from grid files

#4 Unread post by zhaolv »

I'm sorry that I didn't explain myself clearly. I am using the method in coawst. Use the file "roms_master_climatology_coawst_mw.m". I have placed the file below.
Thank you for your guidance.
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