install errors for pyroms

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install errors for pyroms

#1 Unread post by Rocky_Wang »

Hello everyone,
Recently, I wanted to use Pyroms to more easily download and handle HYCOM data, but I encountered problems during installation and could not install Pyroms properly. My installation steps are as follows:

step1 create a python environment by conda:
$conda create -n model2roms python=3.8

step2 Activate the environment and install the Prerequisites
$ conda activate model2roms
$ conda install numpy scipy matplotlib basemap netcdf4 cftime lpsolve55 pip

step3 download pyroms
$ git clone

All the three steps above went smoothly, but an error occurred when installing Pyroms:
step4 $ pip install -e pyroms/pyroms

The error is shown below. Attached is the complete installation record
I don't know how to solve it, please give me some hints, thank you very much
install error.png
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