UCLA, Los Angeles, October 1-5, 2007
We are inviting you to participate at the next ROMS/TOMS Workshop to be held at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Bradley International Hall Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA. The formal workshop presentations are scheduled on October 1th and 2nd, followed by a trainning session on October 3th. The CSTM meeting will be held in the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP-UCLA) on October 4th and 5th.
The invitation to the ROMS/TOMS workshop and training session is open to everybody that wants to attend and we have plenty of room for around 100 people. The venue for the CSTM meeting is smaller and we have a capacity between 40 to 50 participants. The CSTM meeting is also open but we will give priority to those associated with the sediment modeling project.
The registration for both meetings is open until July 27, 2007. The abstracts for the ROMS/TOMS workshop are due by August 31, 2007. To register log into the ROMS website and fill out the workshop registration form

We will send more information in the future about traveling, hotels and other logistics. As in the past, information will be also posted in the ROMS/TOMS websites

Looking forward to see you at UCLA,
Organizing Committee,
James C. McWilliams, UCLA
Christopher R. Sherwood, USGS
Hernan G. Arango, Rutgers University