problem with editmask.m

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problem with editmask.m

#1 Unread post by evridiki »

Hello all,
I manage to compile and run the "upwelling" test case and also the "lake signell" and "fjord_tidal" cases. Now I'm trying to set up my own application in the region of North Aegean sea (Greece). Since I'm new to Roms and ocean modelling in general I have some difficulties in generating the appropriate input files.
I created my grid netcdf file using the SeaGrid tool (taking the coastline data from GSHHS database).
Now when I try to run the editmask.m I always get the same error:

???Undefined function or variable "got_coast".
Error in ==> editmask at 312
if (got_coast),

I think that something's wrong with my coastline data since without them it runs and creates the graphical interface.

Another quick question: If I use rfactor.m for the bathymetry stiffness ratio, the maximum value should be less than 0.3 ??? And if it's not??? Do I have to use a smoothing tool until it reaches that value?

I would appreciate any suggestion.....
Thanks in advance!

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Re: problem with editmask.m

#2 Unread post by kate »

It doesn't work for me either any more. It used to compute the coastline for you.

Now I use the Python mask editing in pyroms.

For the other, we're talking about it here

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Re: problem with editmask.m

#3 Unread post by wilkin »

editmask is anticipating that your grid file has variables lon_coast and lat_coast in order to draw a coastline to guide you in the process of editing the grid. This is because editmask works in the grid i,j space, so the coastline (lon/lat) needs to be converted to i,j in order to display on the page.

If you want to proceed without a lon/lat coastline you should just disable that test (got_coast) inside editmask.

Alternatively, add the coastline variables to the grid file.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
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Re: problem with editmask.m

#4 Unread post by evridiki »

Thanks Kate for your kindly reply,
I' m not familiar with python yet but I realize that in the future I will have to learn python also.

Dear Wilkin,
I finally manage to run editmask.m with coastline data by making small changes in the code.
I had seen what you told about i,j grid and I had also run ijcoast.m function (which converts coastline data to (i,j) coordinates) but I was totally confused because I thought that editmask.m was doing that automatically for you...
Anyway, sorry for wasting your time and I'm really thankful for your answer

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Re: problem with editmask.m

#5 Unread post by arango »

It still works for me but I modify the logic to more generic capabilities. See :arrow: trac ticket for more information.

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