Dear ROMS users,
I got some weird results while using the visualization tools described in WikiROMS. The attached figures were salinity with velocity vectors as overlay field and were plotted through ROMS plotting package ccnt. In the 1st figure, the overlaid velocity vectors were only seen within the black box and, in my expectations, they should fill the whole domain as the salinity field did. An even worse situation occurred that the overlaid field shrunk to a smaller area located in the left-bottom corner as shown in the 2nd figure (all the resulted plots, except the 1st one, got the same small overlaid area as the 2nd figure). How to modify the to get the correct results ? Any comments and suggestions would be appreciated. Parameters used in and the standard outputs are shown as follows.
----------------------- parameters in -----------------------
1 NFIELDS: number of fields to plot. Line below, field(s) types:
24 field identification: FLDID(1:NFIELDS)
1 NLEVELS: number of levels and/or depths to plot (0 for all levels)
12 levels (>0) or depths (<0) to plot: FLDLEV(1:NLEVELS)
-1 FRSTD : first day to plot
-5 LASTD : last day to plot
0.0 DSKIP : plot every other DSKIP days (0.0 plot at its own time frequency)
0 FINDX : forecast record to process, if any (atmospheric files only).
0 VINTRP : vertical interpolation scheme: 0=linear, 1:cubic splines
0.0 PMIN : field minimum value for color palette (0.0 for default)
0.0 PMAX : field maximum value for color palette (0.0 for default)
0 ICNT : draw contours between color bands: 0=no, 1=yes
0.0 ISOVAL : iso-surface value to process (see below)
1.3 VLWD : vector line width (1.0 for default)
1.3 VLSCL : vector length scale (1.0 for default)
5 IVINC : vector grid sampling in the X-direction (1 for default)
5 JVINC : vector grid sampling in the Y-direction (1 for default)
1 IREF : secondary or reference field option (see below)
3 IDOVER : overlay field identification (for IREF=1,2 only)
0 LEVOVER: level of the overlay field (set to 0 if same as current FLDLEV)
0.0 RMIN : overlay field minimum value to consider (0.0 for default)
0.0 RMAX : overlay field maximum value to consider (0.0 for default)
1.0 LGRID : Desired longitude/latitude grid spacing (degrees)
2 IPROJ : map projection (see below).
0.0 PLON : projection Pole longitude (west values are negative).
0.0 PLAT : projection Pole latitude (south values are negative).
0.0 ROTA : projection rotation angle (clockwise; degrees).
1 LMSK : flag to color mask land: [0] no, [1] yes
-1 NPAGE : number of plots per page (currently 1, 2, or 4)
T READGRD: logical switch to read in positions from grid NetCDF file.
F PLTLOGO: logical switch draw Logo.
F WRTHDR : logical switch to write out the plot header titles.
T WRTBLAB: logical switch to write out the plot bottom title.
T WRTRANG: logical switch to write out data range values and CI.
F WRTFNAM: logical switch to write out input primary filename.
F WRTDATE: logical switch to write out current date.
F CST : logical switch to read and plot coastlines and islands.
0.0 0.0 : bottom and top map latitudes (south values are negative).
0.0 0.0 : left and right map longitudes (west values are negative).
----------------------- parameters in -----------------------
----------------------- standard outputs -----------------------
number of points (Lr,Mr,Nr) = 302 362 12
basin dimensions (Lx,Le) = 0.010 0.012
Sea Points Min = 2.91935310E+01 Max = 3.47604103E+01
Field Diagnostics:
Day = 0.000
Field type = Salinity (PSU)
Model level = 12
Number of points = 90035
Minimum = 2.91935310E+01 ( 103, 321 )
Maximum = 3.47604103E+01 ( 302, 212 )
Mean = 3.43527298E+01
RMS = 3.43507500E+01
Average Deviation = 2.72782445E-01
Variance = 1.34957597E-01
Standard Deviation = 3.67365748E-01
Skewness = -3.16055942E+00
Kurtosis = 3.17141457E+01
CNTCOLOR - real workspace used: 600 given: 1000000
- integer workspace used: 800 given: 5000000
- space used in area mask: 5421 given: 5000000
Sea Points Min = -6.41276398E+01 Max = 5.12611313E+01
Sea Points Min = -4.99526291E+01 Max = 1.02747284E+02
Field Diagnostics:
Day = 0.000
Field type = Total Velocity Magnitude (cm/s)
Model level = 12
Number of points = 108000
Minimum = 0.00000000E+00 ( 114, 1 )
Maximum = 1.02659828E+02 ( 194, 30 )
Mean = 2.30928802E+01
RMS = 2.96672020E+01
Average Deviation = 1.47786856E+01
Variance = 3.46877594E+02
Standard Deviation = 1.86246510E+01
Skewness = 8.37948203E-01
Kurtosis = 3.67875242E+00
Plotted frame: 00001
......................... omitted .........................
----------------------- standard outputs -----------------------
There is also another problem encountered if the day rather than time record was specified to plot the results. The modified parameters are:
3.0 FRSTD : first day to plot
3.0 LASTD : last day to plot
and nothing was plotted. The standard outputs were:
Available Times:
0.5063657E-05 0.1389395E-01 0.2778284E-01 0.4167173E-01 0.5556062E-01
0.6944951E-01 0.8333840E-01 0.9722729E-01 0.1111162 0.1250051
0.1388940 0.1527828 0.1666717 0.1805606 0.1944495
................omitted .......
6.250005 6.263894 6.277783 6.291672
number of points (Lr,Mr,Nr) = 302 362 12
basin dimensions (Lx,Le) = 0.010 0.012
weird results using ROMS plotting package ccnt
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:25 am
- Location: Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory, NCKU, Taiwan
weird results using ROMS plotting package ccnt
- Attachments
- Frame 1
- EasyCapture1.png (73.21 KiB) Viewed 3014 times
- Frame 2
- EasyCapture2.png (56.35 KiB) Viewed 3014 times
- Posts: 19
- Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:54 am
- Location: Ocean University of China
Re: weird results using ROMS plotting package ccnt
I think you should set the 4 "0.0" to the real longitude or latitude, this may work.
0.0 0.0 : bottom and top map latitudes (south values are negative).
0.0 0.0 : left and right map longitudes (west values are negative).
0.0 0.0 : bottom and top map latitudes (south values are negative).
0.0 0.0 : left and right map longitudes (west values are negative).