SVN checkout error

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SVN checkout error

#1 Unread post by m.hadfield »

I'm trying to checkout ROMS on a new machine and am getting a show-stopping error. The checkout command is

Code: Select all

svn --username m.hadfield checkout roms-trunk
and the error message, in context, is

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A    roms-trunk/ROMS/Adjoint/ad_t3dmix4_geo.h
A    roms-trunk/ROMS/Adjoint/
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/src/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: REPORT of '/svn/src/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read response body: Secure connection truncated (
I've tried resuming the checkout with

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cd roms-trunk
svn cleanup
svn update
and I've tried wiping everything and starting over but I run into the same problem.

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Re: SVN checkout error

#2 Unread post by robertson »

I have not been able to reproduce your error but The errors I see in the Apache logs are below:

[Fri Oct 31 04:59:00 2008] [error] [client] Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response. [500, #0]
[Fri Oct 31 04:59:00 2008] [error] [client] A failure occurred while driving the update report editor [500, #104]
[Fri Oct 31 04:59:00 2008] [error] [client] Error writing base64 data: Connection reset by peer [500, #104] is probably you (or your proxy server) since the IP is owned by NIWA. I also see that same sequence of errors for an IP address from China about 4 hours before you.

I found this information on the Subversion site: ... -truncated

Perhaps there were network issues between you and the server that caused Apache to think the connection had ended. I don't believe it would be from "abnormally large number of files" or "a bunch of abnormally large files" in a directory or we would see many more users with this error. I suppose there is a slim possibility that your machine was too slow to "finalize" the Adjoint directory in less than 2 minutes but this also seems unlikely since you have successfully downloaded ROMS in the past.

Our "Timeout" is already at 2 minutes so I'm hesitant to increase it. It is unclear to me whether it will make a difference but I have doubled the "KeepAliveTimeout" to 30 seconds.

Please try again and let us know if you still have problems so we can try increasing Apache's "Timeout".


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Re: SVN checkout error

#3 Unread post by m.hadfield »

Thanks for the help. I tried again today, exactly as before, and got exactly the same error. The location I was attempting to checkout to was on a remote volume, mounted via NFS. I then cd'ed to a local drive and tried again, and this time the checkout operation proceeded much faster than before and was completed without error.

So, based on this plus the info on the Subversion FAQ page, the problem appears to have occurred because I was checking out to a location where directory operations are slow.

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