Grid orientation with ROMSTOOLS

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Grid orientation with ROMSTOOLS

#1 Unread post by jul10lara »

Hi all!

Using ROMSTOOLS, I'm doing a simulation in a region where the coastline has an angle of about 45° to the north-south axis.

By default, ROMSTOOLS generates grids in a square domain with sides parallel and perpendicular (90º) to the north-south axis (correspondingly).

But I want to make a grid parallel to the coastline axis, not to the north-south axis; this means I need to rotate the grid in order to fix it according to coastline.

In the uploaded picture there is the default grid and domain; the green rectangle represents the orientation of the grid and domain I would like to have.

¿Can you help me to change the grid orientation, please?

Thanks in advance!!!!

Julio Lara
In the uploaded picture there is the default grid and domain; the green rectangle represents the orientation of the grid and domain I would like to have.
In the uploaded picture there is the default grid and domain; the green rectangle represents the orientation of the grid and domain I would like to have.
Domain.JPG (11.02 KiB) Viewed 3824 times

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Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:02 pm
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Re: Grid orientation with ROMSTOOLS

#2 Unread post by nmolem »

Something like this? This is obtained using a rotated Mercator projection. As a result the grid has the smallest possible ratio between maximum and minimum grid spacing (1.012 for this example).


Re: Grid orientation with ROMSTOOLS

#3 Unread post by jul10lara »

Exactly nmolem!

I would like my grid and domain look like the picture you uploaded.
But how can I do that; which part of the code do I have to modify?
I'm newbie using romstools, could you guide me, please?

Best regards

Julio Lara

Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:02 pm
Location: IGPP-UCLA

Re: Grid orientation with ROMSTOOLS

#4 Unread post by nmolem »


I don't think that romstools can do this. Send me a mail and I'll help you out.

Jeroen Molemaker

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