dear all :
now my version is 452, I use my own grid nc file and define masking, but the result(u,v,temp,salt) even mask_rho,mask_v,mask_u,mask_psi all equal 1E37(model regarded all points as land), but the water depth is the same with my grid file. I use uvp_mask to caculate the mask, so I think it's correct of mask. but why the model can't read the mask correctly?Do some bugs exist in reading mask from grid file?? really confuse me. who can tell me the reasons and give me some suggestions? really thanks a lot
about mask problem
Re: about mask problem
I just test two cases,
I define ana_mask and define masking, the results all are 1e37;
but I define ana_mask only, the results are normal value;
so the problem must be something about "define masking"
I define ana_mask and define masking, the results all are 1e37;
but I define ana_mask only, the results are normal value;
so the problem must be something about "define masking"
Re: about mask problem
When you define ANA_MASK, what do you set for your mask in ana_mask.h? Do you have a cpp name for your case? Did you check to see that the version of ana_mask you set up got into analytical.f90?
Re: about mask problem
thanks for your reply.
my case is upwelling case;
in my ana_mask, I define all points are sea;
that is :
#elif defined UPWELLING
DO j=Jstr-2,,Jend+2
DO i=Istr-2,Iend+2
but if I define ana_mask and define masking together, the model output are all 1e37; if I just define ana_mask only, model results looked reasonable.
my case is upwelling case;
in my ana_mask, I define all points are sea;
that is :
#elif defined UPWELLING
DO j=Jstr-2,,Jend+2
DO i=Istr-2,Iend+2
but if I define ana_mask and define masking together, the model output are all 1e37; if I just define ana_mask only, model results looked reasonable.
Re: about mask problem
Have you checked analytical.f90? Next would be a debugger to watch what is happening as the model runs.
Re: about mask problem
Could we defined ana_mask and define masking together? If MASKING is defined, the model will read mask_rho,mask_u,mask_v,mask_psi from our data. So if we define ana_mask together, what happened to mask_rho and so on?liangailin wrote: but if I define ana_mask and define masking together, the model output are all 1e37; if I just define ana_mask only, model results looked reasonable.

Re: about mask problem
If you want to have land masks, define MASKING.
With masking, provide the land mask in either the grid file (no extra defines) or in ana_mask.h and define ANA_MASK.
With masking, provide the land mask in either the grid file (no extra defines) or in ana_mask.h and define ANA_MASK.