compiling error on mod_netcdf.f90

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compiling error on mod_netcdf.f90

#1 Unread post by isabelmonteiro »

I'm installing roms_395.While compiling "mod_netcdf.f90" I get the following messages:
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier netcdf_get_fvar (mod_netcdf.f90: 29)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier netcdf_get_ivar (mod_netcdf.f90: 34)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier netcdf_get_svar (mod_netcdf.f90: 38)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier netcdf_put_fvar (mod_netcdf.f90: 45)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier netcdf_put_ivar (mod_netcdf.f90: 50)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier netcdf_put_lvar (mod_netcdf.f90: 55)
PGF90-S-0034-Syntax error at or near identifier netcdf_put_svar (mod_netcdf.f90: 59)
PGF90-S-0087-Non-constant expression where constant expression required (mod_netcdf.f90: 97)
PGF90-S-0081-Illegal selector - KIND parameter has unknown value for data type (mod_netcdf.f90: 97)
PGF90-S-0087-Non-constant expression where constant expression required (mod_netcdf.f90: 105)
PGF90-S-0087-Non-constant expression where constant expression required (mod_netcdf.f90: 106)
PGF90-S-0087-Non-constant expression where constant expression required (mod_netcdf.f90: 107)
PGF90-S-0087-Non-constant expression where constant expression required (mod_netcdf.f90: 111)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 133)
PGF90-S-0070-Incorrect sequence of statements (mod_netcdf.f90: 134)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 197)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 198)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 199)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 200)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 201)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 202)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 203)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 204)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 205)
PGF90-S-0195-Statement may not appear in an INTERFACE block (mod_netcdf.f90: 206)
PGF90-F-0008-Error limit exceeded (mod_netcdf.f90: 206)
PGF90/any Linux/x86 5.1-6: compilation aborted

Could someone please help me
Isabel :(

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Re: compiling error on mod_netcdf.f90

#2 Unread post by robertson »

You might want to check if you have a newer PGI version available to you. I think you're using version 5.1-6 from 2004 ("PGF90/any Linux/x86 5.1-6: compilation aborted"). PGI is now at version 9; perhaps 5.1 doesn't handle the INTERFACE block correctly.

However, it might be helpful if you attached your mod_netcdf.f90 (from your Build directory) file so we can see if this is corrupted somehow?

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Re: compiling error on mod_netcdf.f90

#3 Unread post by isabelmonteiro »

I attached my mod_netcdf.f90 file (from my Build directory). Anyway do you think that I could use a former version of mod_netcdf.f90 which my PGI could handle? :?

In the installation of this latest version of ROMS, previous to find this mod_netcdf.f90 error, I have done some changes on my file
instead of
FFLAGS += -O3 -tp k8-64
I do
FFLAGS += -O3 -tp p7
(183.47 KiB) Downloaded 644 times

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Re: compiling error on mod_netcdf.f90

#4 Unread post by robertson »

What version of NetCDF did you compile with this version of the PGI compiler and what flags did you use? I am unable to build NetCDF-3.6.3 with PGI 5.1-6 and a simple google search reveals notes on building NetCDF-3.5.1 with the 5.1 compiler but no newer versions of NetCDF.

The PGI 5.1 compiler had a lot of bugs. If you do not have access to a newer version of PGI, perhaps you should try using a free compiler like g95 to compile NetCDF and ROMS.

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Re: compiling error on mod_netcdf.f90

#5 Unread post by isabelmonteiro »

I followed your suggestion and I’m working now in a machine with a more recent PGI compiler, ROMS installation was straightforward.

Thank you 8)

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