ROMS currents to SWAN

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ROMS currents to SWAN

#1 Unread post by jacopo »

in mct_roms_swan.h I see:

Code: Select all

          CASE ('Ubar')                   ! 2D U-momentum

            CALL ROMS_export2d (ng, tile,                               &
     &                          id, gtype, scale, add_offset,           &
     &                          LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                     &
#ifdef SOLVE3D
     &                          OCEAN(ng)%u(:,:,N(ng),NOUT),            &
     &                          OCEAN(ng)%ubar(:,:,KOUT),               &
     &                          Fields(id)%ExpMin, Fields(id)%ExpMax,   &
     &                          Asize, A,                               &
     &                          status)
Does this mean that ifdef SOLVE3D ROMS is passing the surface velocity, not 2D currents?


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Re: ROMS currents to SWAN

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

yes. For 2D it sends ubar. For 3D it sends the surface currents. However, for 3D this perhaps should be some weighted average over a depth ~ Hsig, with an exponential decay.

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Re: ROMS currents to SWAN

#3 Unread post by jacopo »

good news, I was going to implement the same thing, but it's already there :D
jcwarner wrote:However, for 3D this perhaps should be some weighted average over a depth ~ Hsig, with an exponential decay.
Indeed, but including TKE from wave breaking makes this OK anyway.

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Re: ROMS currents to SWAN

#4 Unread post by wulunyu »

I used the wave related depth weighted velocity as the doppler velocity from George L. Mellor
《A Surface Wave Model for Coupling with Numerical Ocean Circulation Models》.
I can send you if you want it.
jcwarner wrote:yes. For 2D it sends ubar. For 3D it sends the surface currents. However, for 3D this perhaps should be some weighted average over a depth ~ Hsig, with an exponential decay.

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Re: ROMS currents to SWAN

#5 Unread post by jcwarner »

hey. i happended to come across that paper for a different reason, but i have it in front of me.
Can you help me dig thru and point me to what you are referrring to?

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Re: ROMS currents to SWAN

#6 Unread post by wulunyu »

I referred to equation 6 ---The Doppler (or advective) velocity.
I used this velocity to advect the action density(N)in SWAN.
I still use the same one when calculating the relative wind speed(uwind-ucurrent) for use in source term, which I think surface current velocity should be a better choice.


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