Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

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Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

#1 Unread post by feroda »

Recently, I am using ROMSTOOLS to setup my own application.
I met a problem about the matlab virsion. The error informations are as follow:

tiger@tiger-laptop:~/work/ROMS/input/ROMS_TOOL/Roms_tools/Run$ matlab -nojvm

< M A T L A B >
Copyright 1984-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.
Version (R2007a)
January 29, 2007

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit

>> start Add the paths of the different toolboxes
Arch : unknown - Matlab version : 2007a
Arch : unknown you should provide the paths of your own loaddap and mexcdf directories

Does it mean that the Matlab version 2007a can NOT be used as the platform of ROMSTOOLS?

I think the tools should go well in Matlab R2007a.
What shell be done to fix this issue? Would someone please give me some kind advice?

Thank you very much!

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Re: Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

#2 Unread post by susonic »

Hi, there.
The tools which you are trying to use is from a different version of ROMS.
It's ROMS_Agrif from brest(France).
You'd better ask those questions
on which you downloaded the tools.

Good luck!

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Re: Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

#3 Unread post by leonhardherrmann »

the matlab version is not the problem
all you need to do there (i think) is to add the paths to the libraries
cd to the Run directory of roms
type >>open start

i have (somewhere near the end):
% ' you should provide the paths of your own loaddap and mexcdf directories'])
rmpath /home/leo/softs/matlab/toolbox/symbolic
addpath /home/leo/softs/loaddap-3.6.1/
addpath /home/leo/ROMS_AGRIF/Roms_tools/mexnc

3rd line: rmpath... there was a problem with overlapping commands
then just "addpath" to the loaddap directory and the mexnc directory as above
I also commented out a lot of stuff between:
% Get the path to the mexcdf (it depends on the architecture)
% Comment all these lines if you don't want to pass in these tests
and the addpath bits shown above.

hope this makes sense,
good luck!


Re: Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

#4 Unread post by feroda »

Thanks! Leo is exactly right, I did so and the ROMS TOOLS goes pretty well.
susonic wrote:Hi, there.
The tools which you are trying to use is from a different version of ROMS.
It's ROMS_Agrif from brest(France).
You'd better ask those questions
on which you downloaded the tools.

Good luck!
Is there any tools like ROMS_TOOLS for the ROMS version here?


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Re: Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

#5 Unread post by susonic »

These two forums are helpful for you.



Re: Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

#6 Unread post by feroda »

Thanks very much!
susonic wrote:viewtopic.php?t=916
These two forums are helpful for you.

The tools you mentioned above are post-process tools for the visualization of ROMS output.

Actually, what I want to konw is the pre-process tools that for preparing the input Netcdf files.

Do you have any kind advice?


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Re: Matlab version errors on ROMSTOOLS

#7 Unread post by susonic »

The first one is visualization tools and the second one is for both visualization and preprocessing
tools here is the direct address.


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