extract pressure:
pres = squeeze(z(:,J,:));
pres = flipud(abs(pres));
v component velocity:
ga0 = repmat(-9.81*zeta',size(z,1),1);
u component velocity:
ga0 = repmat(-9.81*zeta,size(z,1),1);
But, I have no idea on how to edit command under the section of "relative to input pref", it keeps to return me "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds".
l_ref = min(find(pres >= abs(pref)));
hclm(mon,:,:) = squeeze(dha(mon,l_ref,:,:)-dha(mon,1,:,:));
Any idea of it or any latest version of the script of uvz_from_clim_stdlev.m so that I can use for the latest version of ROMS output?
Kindly find the attachment of the script that I have edited.
My data have 12 time frame and 26 sigma level.
p/s: Your help is much appreciated.