blowup when activating SED_MORPH

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blowup when activating SED_MORPH

#1 Unread post by iwaking »

Dear all,

I am trying to reproduce the migrating trench morphodynamic simulation as documented in Warner et al. 2008 in Computers & Geosciences. The hydrodynamics and sediment transport modules run well (with CPP flags SEDIMENT, SUSPLOAD, BEDLOAD_MPM activated).

However, when I further activated SED_MORPH, the model always blows up in the first time step and shows the following error:

"MAIN: Abnormal termination: BLOWUP.
REASON: MaxDensity = 1.0E+05"

Even when morph_fac is set to 0, this error still persists. The error will only disappear when initial bed thickness is set to 0, i.e. not any sediment in the simulation.

After some model tuning, I am still unable to get around this issue.

Your help would be much appreciated. The model input and run log files are attached below.

Thanks in advance,
run log file
(27.96 KiB) Downloaded 379 times
sediment input
(54.25 KiB) Downloaded 391 times
hydro input
(163.75 KiB) Downloaded 380 times

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