Why temperature at t=2 and so on looks strange?

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Why temperature at t=2 and so on looks strange?

#1 Unread post by remit »

Dear all,

I have a problem with the output history in the display of sea temperature. In the initial time step (t=1, first image), the result is fine with no anomalies. However, when I open the results at the second time step (t=2, second image), and onwards, there is an unusual value at the southern boundary. The ROMS model runs successfully until the final timestep. I have attached the bathymetry used (third image) header and log files for reference.

For your information, I am using the following settings:

I have tried different values for theta_s and theta_b, but the results remain the same.

The lateral boundary conditions (LBC) are set as follows:

Code: Select all

   LBC(isFsur) ==   Cha     Cha     Cha     Cha         ! free-surface
   LBC(isUbar) ==   Shc     Shc     Shc     Shc         ! 2D U-momentum
   LBC(isVbar) ==   Shc     Shc     Shc     Shc         ! 2D V-momentum
   LBC(isUvel) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud         ! 3D U-momentum
   LBC(isVvel) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud         ! 3D V-momentum
   LBC(isMtke) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud         ! mixing TKE

   LBC(isTvar) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud \       ! temperature
                    RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud         ! salinity

I hope this information helps in diagnosing the issue. Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions or needs further clarification.

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Re: Why temperature at t=2 and so on looks strange?

#2 Unread post by kate »

I would guess that it's more of a vertical mixing problem than an open boundary problem. Have you looked at vertical cross sections?

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