Problem about input files for nudging

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Problem about input files for nudging

#1 Unread post by Tokiame33 »

Dear all,

I am a new user to ROMS and trying to follow the work of my predecessor, and he uses nudging for our simulation.
I used the CPP options TCLIMATOLOGY AND TCLM_NUDGING in my header file to activate nudging, and turn on Lm3CLM, LtracerCLM, LnudgeM3CLM and LnudgeTCLM in my file.

Code: Select all

      Lm3CLM == T                          ! 3D momentum
  LtracerCLM == T T                        ! temperature, salinity, inert

LnudgeM3CLM == T                          ! 3D momentum
  LnudgeTCLM == T T                        ! temperature, salinity, inert
Also, I have input all my climatology files in from my predecessor.
But the log shows that below

Code: Select all

READ_PHYPAR - could not find input file:
I asked my predecessor about this, and he said he never use the file for nudging.
But from the forum, I learned that it seems to require this climatology nudging coefficients file for nudging.
So I want to know Is there a possibility to uses nugding without ?

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Re: Problem about input files for nudging

#2 Unread post by Tokiame33 »

Our ROMS version is 751,
LastChangedDate: 2015-01-08

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Re: Problem about input files for nudging

#3 Unread post by arango »

If you are a new user of ROMS, get the latest version of the code as you are supposed to. The code that you are using is eight years old! A lot of updates and corrections have been done since then. Nobody here is going or has the time to answer questions about an old version of ROMS. It is the responsibility of the user to keep its version of ROMS up to date to guarantee proper usage.

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