I have to run a long-term hindcast.
ECMWF has recently discontinued ERA-Interim atmospheric forcing data and replaced it with ERA5.
I used Kate's python scripts to download ERA5 forcing, and I have noticed that the relative humidity is replaced with the specific humidity.
However, switching from relative to specific gives bad results. On the picture you see an annual cycle of SST at a given locaiton (somewhere in the North sea) for the simulation run with relative and specific humidity respectively. In case of the specific humidity, the SST is unrealistically high (up to 21.5 C for the North Sea), contrary to a realistic 18 C for the simulation with the relative humidity. All the other model settings were the same.
Here below are the variable definitions for both cases.
'surface air relative humidity'
'Qair, scalar, series'
(Min = ~40, Max = ~95)
'surface air specific humidity'
'Qair, scalar, series'
(Min = 2.94353056E+00 Max = 7.77762556E+00)
Did I make a mistake somewhere in the variable definition? I would still need to run the hindcast with the ERA5 data after all.
P.S. apparently ERA5 has relative humidity as well, but I had encountered some troubled to download it.