2003 Terrain-Following Ocean Models Workshop, Final Notice

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2003 Terrain-Following Ocean Models Workshop, Final Notice

#1 Unread post by arango »

Dear Participants,

A few last-minute announcements for the 2003 Terrain-Following Ocean Model User Workshop, Seattle, August 4-6:

1. We have made quite a lot of changes to the program since the last announcement, so please check the new program on the meeting's web page. A printable program and abstracts file (in pdf) is also available. In order to make room for longer invited talks we had to move a few more talks to posters and we appologize for the inconvenience it may cause some of you. There are now 9 invited talks, 24 contributed talks, 26 posters, and close to 100 participants (including 20 from countries outside the USA).

2. For PowePoint presentations: An anonymous FTP site has been set for putting PPT files, so we can save all presentations on one computer. The site is ftp.aos.princeton.edu, dir= incoming/tuna/SEATTLE03. If you can not do that by 17:00 EST Friday, August 1st, please bring a copy on a CD.

3. For Poster presentations: The poster room is right across the hall from the seminar room. Please put your poster on Monday morning break or lunchtime. An official poster session is set for Monday afternoon, 4:30-5:30, but we ask that you leave your poster until Wednesday noon, so people can also view the posters during coffee breaks etc. There will be a few terminals with internet connection available at the poster room, and a few ethernet jacks to connect your own laptop.

4. Registration starts on Monday 8:30 A.M. If you have not sent the $65 registrations fee by today (Monday, July 28), please bring the payment to the meeting. We plan a reception and dinner by the lake on Monday evening. The meeting will officially end by noon on Wednesday, but Wednesday afternoon is saved for informal discussions if needed.

5. International visitors: Due to requests from several people, we put on the web page an invitation letter for visa application purposes.

For more information see:



http://www.aos.princeton.edu/WWWPUBLIC/ ... OMS03.html

We hope that you all enjoy the meeting and the Seattle area,

The organizers,

Hernan G. Arango (IMCS, Rutgers University)
Tal Ezer (Princeton University)
Albert Hermann (NOOA/PMEL)

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