Erorr when applying rivers
Erorr when applying rivers
Dear users
I have three rivers in my domain. I have made my river runoff file but I have faced this error. I am not sure about my input file as I do not define v-shape; is it essential? Here are my and this error.
please help me with your interesting comments
I have three rivers in my domain. I have made my river runoff file but I have faced this error. I am not sure about my input file as I do not define v-shape; is it essential? Here are my and this error.
please help me with your interesting comments
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Re: Erorr when applying rivers
You could well be dividing by zero because it doesn't have the Vshape. Yes, you need it to be non-zero.
Re: Erorr when applying rivers
Dear Kate
Thank you so much for your response. Based on your comments, I conclude that I should make vshape variable. It should be the number of my vertical level. The sum of all values should be one. Here the river_transport variable is discharge(?) and v_shape divides river_transport into different layers. is it correct?
Thank you so much for your response. Based on your comments, I conclude that I should make vshape variable. It should be the number of my vertical level. The sum of all values should be one. Here the river_transport variable is discharge(?) and v_shape divides river_transport into different layers. is it correct?
Re: Erorr when applying rivers
Yes, exactly. How much do you want shallow and how much deep? For the coastal Gulf of Alaska, I use a linear profile, max at the surface, zero at the very bottom.
Re: Erorr when applying rivers
Dear Kate
I have changed my based on your suggestion. Here is the new one. However, I have faced this error which is related to river variable. Although I have input river, the model cannot find this variable. Please note that my ROMs is a new version.
I have changed my based on your suggestion. Here is the new one. However, I have faced this error which is related to river variable. Although I have input river, the model cannot find this variable. Please note that my ROMs is a new version.
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Re: Erorr when applying rivers
Here's what one of my rivers files looks like:
I have the tracers in a second file that doesn't depend on the year. Here, the variable "river" is a "dimension variable" and is just a list of integers, 1 through river. The discharge is in the river_transport variable.
Code: Select all
netcdf JRA-1.4_Arctic_rivers_1980 {
river_time = UNLIMITED ; // (366 currently)
river = 18430 ;
s_rho = 50 ;
double river_time(river_time) ;
river_time:units = "days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00" ;
river_time:long_name = "river runoff time" ;
int river(river) ;
river:long_name = "river runoff identification number" ;
double river_sign(river) ;
river_sign:long_name = "river directional sign" ;
int river_Xposition(river) ;
river_Xposition:long_name = "river XI-position at RHO-points" ;
river_Xposition:valid_min = 1 ;
river_Xposition:valid_max = 689 ;
int river_Eposition(river) ;
river_Eposition:long_name = "river ETA-position at RHO-points" ;
river_Eposition:valid_min = 1 ;
river_Eposition:valid_max = 1089 ;
int river_direction(river) ;
river_direction:long_name = "river runoff direction" ;
double river_Vshape(s_rho, river) ;
river_Vshape:long_name = "river runoff mass transport vertical profile" ;
double river_transport(river_time, river) ;
river_transport:long_name = "river runoff vertically integrated mass transport" ;
river_transport:units = "meter3 second-1" ;
river_transport:time = "river_time" ;
Re: Erorr when applying rivers
There is a CDL template rivers file in the source code distribution at: Data/ROMS/CDL/frc_rivers.cdl
If you build your file like this it should work with the code.
The fact that your file is named makes me think you are using a different version of ROMS. If so, you should mention that in your post so that we aren't trying to solve version inconsistency issues for you.
If you build your file like this it should work with the code.
The fact that your file is named makes me think you are using a different version of ROMS. If so, you should mention that in your post so that we aren't trying to solve version inconsistency issues for you.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559
Re: Erorr when applying rivers
Dear kate and wikin
Thank you so much for your suggestions. ROMS is sensitive to order in arguments and it was my problem. Now my model accepts my river file. I use the new version of ROMS(Rutgers). Now my model runs with my river files when I try to run the river_plume1 test case. However, I have faced a new issue in the result. The river does not come to the domain. The model does not show any action to rivers in outputs. I have revied the forum and I guess that my problem can be because of the definition of source inland(i and j). I do not understand some points. Firstly, about river_direction, I do not understand exactly how to define values for this. In my domain, I have three rivers where one of which is north-south and the others are west to east. Secondly, x-position and Eta_position, here I plot my grid file and the locations of rivers. For my rivers what are the values of direction, x-position, and E_position? I have marked the point source in my grid when I applied the model.
Thank you so much for your suggestions. ROMS is sensitive to order in arguments and it was my problem. Now my model accepts my river file. I use the new version of ROMS(Rutgers). Now my model runs with my river files when I try to run the river_plume1 test case. However, I have faced a new issue in the result. The river does not come to the domain. The model does not show any action to rivers in outputs. I have revied the forum and I guess that my problem can be because of the definition of source inland(i and j). I do not understand some points. Firstly, about river_direction, I do not understand exactly how to define values for this. In my domain, I have three rivers where one of which is north-south and the others are west to east. Secondly, x-position and Eta_position, here I plot my grid file and the locations of rivers. For my rivers what are the values of direction, x-position, and E_position? I have marked the point source in my grid when I applied the model.
Re: Erorr when applying rivers
Did you read this: ... _Eposition
When using option LuvSrc = T, river_Xposition and river_Eposition refer to the i,j index of the u-face or v-face the flow crosses - NOT the i,j index of the rho cell it flows into. The i,j values must follow ROMS Fortran numbering convention for the appropriate u-point or v-point on the ROMS staggered grid.
The ROMS FORTRAN numbering convention means rho points start from 0,0 in the "lower left corner", not from 1,1 (like Matlab would, e.g.). ... _Eposition
When using option LuvSrc = T, river_Xposition and river_Eposition refer to the i,j index of the u-face or v-face the flow crosses - NOT the i,j index of the rho cell it flows into. The i,j values must follow ROMS Fortran numbering convention for the appropriate u-point or v-point on the ROMS staggered grid.
The ROMS FORTRAN numbering convention means rho points start from 0,0 in the "lower left corner", not from 1,1 (like Matlab would, e.g.).
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559