I was running ROMS only forced by tide and I used otps2roms.m to prepared forcing file from OTPS.But when I compare the zeta result with OTPS,I find the points near the boundary the result is good,when the point far away from the boundary the result is bad. point1 and point3 are far away the boundary ; point2 and point4 are near the boundary.
MY cpp :
#define SSH_TIDES
#define UV_TIDES
#define ANA_FSOBC
#define ANA_M2OBC
This is really not enough info to give you any decent help. Checking ROMS output at the boundary and comparing it with tidal boundary forcing is just to make sure you haven't messed with creating forcing.
What does your grid looks like, how big domain? do you resolve shelf and consequently resonance? what about depths and smoothing (or over smoothing)? Barotropic-baroclinic? and zillion of other possibility still remains to be seen...
If you want some help from other users you have to articulate question and provide enough info.
Ivica is right of course, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say ROMS is doing okay in the interior,and the problem is with OTPS in shallow coastal water. But then, we don't know if those interior points are in shallow coastal water.