Pb compiling module pmdata_addiff

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Pb compiling module pmdata_addiff

#1 Unread post by hajji »


I got a fatal error when compiling module mpdata_addiff. This looks like the one I met with some WRF modules. To resolve it I changed O3 option to O2.


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#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

Hello. I have compiled ROMS with MPDATA for many applications, and do not get any errors. So if you could be more specific, perhaps we can identify the issue and correct it.

I am also using WRF, and have seen issues as you suggest - some subroutines in WRF will only compile with -O2 and not -O3. On some systems, WRF can take several HOURS to compile with -O3 !!!! (ouch).

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#3 Unread post by hajji »

thank you jcwarner for your reply.

At the beginning, I thought that this is due to a problem similar to the one I got with WRF (the issue you told about). But ROMS was compiled with O3 option successfully on an other machine having the same performance.

In fact, the fatal error occured when I was compiling ROMS and on the same time Matlab was running.

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