Workshop on Data Assimilation and Recursive Estimation

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Workshop on Data Assimilation and Recursive Estimation

#1 Unread post by arango »

DARE 2004 Workshop on Data Assimilation and Recursive Estimation - Venice, Italy, September 20-21, 2004

The main aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for addressing key methodological aspects from different view-points and to present the results which are being obtained in current applications of these methods to the relevant environmental case-studies. The workshop will take place at Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, September 20-21, 2004.

Both the rapid increase in the availability of environmental data and computer power have prompted the development of methods aimed at integrating field information and theoretical knowledge, i.e mathematical and statistical models, in a dynamic framework. The Recursive Estimation and sequential Data Assimilation techniques represent valuable tools for improving the accuracy of the estimation of the system state and for enhancing confidence in model predictions. The aims of this workshop are: to provide a forum for addressing the key methodological aspects from different view-points and to present the results which are being obtained in current applications of these methods to the relevant environmental case-studies.

The scientific program will include invited lecturers and contributed paper sessions. A non-exhaustive list of topics:

* Identification of adaptive models;
* Application of sequential data assimilation techniques to transport reaction models;
* Assimilation of real-time monitoring data;
* Adaptive sampling and collection of the most important data;
* Scientific investigations of environmental processes by combinations of data and models;
* Data assimilation and uncertainty analysis;
* Simulation based methods;
* Environmental modelling application: water quality, hydrology, oceanography, ecology, etc.

For more information see,

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