Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)

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Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)

#1 Unread post by FengZhou »

Hi, ROMS users,

Has anyone succeeded in introduce the river sediments into the model? The effects of rivers' temperature and salinity can be seen clearly in my model but not the sediment.

I intended to add a mud to the present circulation model, which has already included the Yangtze River successfully (could be recognized from salinity). MUD_Ltsrc = T. and cpp file was defined like this:
#define SEDIMENT
# define SUSPLOAD

The model can run for a year until I stopped it. I plotted the model output mud_01, it seems to have no signals of riverine mud_01 in the estuary. I also compared the case with MUD_Ltsrc = F, but nothing is different.

sediment_inp.h will read in a new variable related to river sediment: LtracerSrc
and I checked the LtracerSrc in the Build/get_data.f90, and found
DO i=1,NT(ng)
IF (LtracerSrc(i,ng)) THEN
CALL get_ngfld (ng, iNLM, idRtrc(i), SSF(ng)%ncid, &
& 1, SSF(ng), update(1), &
& 1, Nsrc(ng), N(ng), 2, 1, Nsrc(ng), N(ng), &
& SOURCES(ng) % TsrcG(:,:,:,i))
It is supposed to read the river_mud_01. So what's wrong with the case?
Any comments?

Last edited by FengZhou on Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

There could be a couple of issues, so lets try to figure it out.
- Did you set NCS (or NNS) to 1 at top of
- how are you adding sediment to the river> netcdf file? If you look at the stdout, does it show that it is trying to read the file and getting mud_01 values?
- you could just make the magnitude of the mud be very large (1000000) and run model for just a few time steps to see if the mud is coming in for testing.
- set Lsediment == T in the file.
- set MUD_Ltsrc == T


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Re: Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)

#3 Unread post by FengZhou »

Hi, John,

Thank you very much! You are right. The river sediment concentration is one order lower than the local value caused by erosion and resuspension, that is why it cannot be seen.



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Re: Cannot introduce river sediment in ROMS (svn 713)

#4 Unread post by jcwarner »

great. keep us posted if you any other issues.

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