the latest COAWST version compile problem

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the latest COAWST version compile problem

#1 Unread post by wrh »

Dear all:
I compiled the latest COAWST code for SANDY case , then I got the following error.I am sure that this error is due to the interpolation between different model grids because when all the model grids are equal then this error disappear.

F/external/esmf_time_f90 -I/home/wrh/coawst_project/sandyn//WRF/frame -I/home/wrh/coawst_project/sandyn//WRF/share get_sparse_matrix.f90

Error: Function ‘nf90_inq_ncid’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
Master/ recipe for target 'Build/get_sparse_matrix.o' failed
make: *** [Build/get_sparse_matrix.o] Error 1
make: ***

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Re: the latest COAWST version compile problem

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

for coawst issues, can you post them on ... discussion

for this issue, we chose to require netcdf 4 to red the scrip weight files. we updated the scrip to write out the weights using netcdf groups, and that requires netcdf 4.

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