An Ideal User

Archive of important messages sent via the ROMS mailing list

Moderators: arango, robertson

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An Ideal User

#1 Unread post by arango »

There has been a lot of complaining activity in this forum lately. Some users seem to forget that ROMS is distributed free of charge. I remind you to read ROMS open source license. We, the developers, have to work on our own funded projects and don't really have a 24-hour, seven day a week service to solve all your problems immediately.

So who is an Ideal ROMS User:
  • A person with great deal of curiosity and patience.
  • A person who pays a lot of attention to details.
  • A person with the basic computer skills.
  • A person with knowledge on UNIX, C-preprocessing, and FORTRAN 90/95.
  • A person who has the basic knowledge in ocean numerical modeling and oceanography.
  • A person willing to learn new complex algorithms.
  • A person who reads and follows instructions.
  • A problem solver, a troubleshooter.
  • A person who report bugs and ways how to solve them.
  • A person who gives constructive feedback on algorithm problems.
  • A person who gives enough information when reporting problems.
  • A person who checks this forum to see if a particular problem has been already reported and resolved.
  • A person who helps making ROMS algorithms better.
  • A person who maintains ROMS algorithms up to date and regularly executes svn update.
  • A person who contributes documentation to wikiROMS :arrow:.
  • A person who maintains a valid user e-mail current and does not regard our e-mail messages as spam.
  • A person who helps others in this forum.
  • A person who refuses to use ROMS as a black box.
  • A person who is not lazy and does not requires ROMS-care.
  • A person who provides honest and accurate information during registration.
  • A person who acknowledges the ROMS/TOMS group in his/her publications.
  • A person who contributes ROMS related publications on the website :arrow:.
  • A person who contributes his/her application to the data pool :arrow: for others in the community to use.
  • A person who attends ROMS Workshops.
  • A person who actually logs in into this forum and keeps his/her read messages up to date.
If you use an score of (1) poor, (2) fair, (3) good, (4) excellent for each requirement, what is your ROMS ideal user score/grade :?:

I wonder how many users are there with over 95 points. If your are curious about my score, I got 97 :wink:.

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