Gyre off South Sydney Australia

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Gyre off South Sydney Australia

#1 Unread post by arango »

I am seeing a major change in the East Coast of Australia and I was wondering if the ocean models are picking up a similar change.

The surface water temperature in close from -35.7547; 150.3288 to -36.249; 150.2095 Montague Island and north along the East Coast of Australia. Over the last 10 years the water has changed from a low of 13 degrees to high of 23.4 with the change generally over two months, from low to high. This year Oct 2006 - March 2007 the temperature has moved from a low of 11 degrees to a high of 26.1 with the change over 7 days. In fact it went from a low moderate to low to high to low to high in ten days. The coralline alga is showing extreme change at Pedro Point -35.932830; 150.16470 and Broulee Island -35.8569; 150.19076.

I think the anti-clockwise gyre off South Sydney is being pumped with extra warm water causing small clockwise Gyres which are dragging very cold water up the coast as far as Sydney. The hypothesis: As oceans warm, the Gyres will spin faster changing water pattens to change. i.e. in our case dragging water up the coast with zonal change, and species removal with the extreme change.

John W. Broomhead

BSc (Hon) Coastal Management -

Southern Cross University & National Marine Science Centre

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