bottom stress induced sign flipping in adjoint generally possible?

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bottom stress induced sign flipping in adjoint generally possible?

#1 Unread post by stef »


In the forward models the bottom velocity can flip signs due to the bottom stress parameterizations, hence there is LIMIT_BSTRESS.

Do you know if there is an analogous problem in the adjoint model, or is this of no concern there?

I'm seeing negative ad_Hz in some of my runs. So far I have no reason to attribute my problem to a bottom stress problem, it's just a "usual suspect". Unfortunately I don't understand the adjoint stuff yet.

Thanks for your help!

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Re: bottom stress induced sign flipping in adjoint generally possible?

#2 Unread post by stef »

Regarding the negative ad_Hz, I now don't think it's an error. It just arises from the adjoint model in the incremental method. Is this right?

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