Variables in restart files

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Variables in restart files

#1 Unread post by dickson »


I am currently trying out the 4DVAR module. To use the GLS mixing scheme, the field AKv is required in the initial condition. I decided to include it by running ROMS for a few days to generate a restart file. Yet, although AKv could be found in restart files generated from my operational runs using COAWST with ROMS-SWAN coupling, I couldn't find it in the file generated from the mentioned run. Besides, I also noticed that variables in the restart files are not the same when I run the model for different duration.

For example, only a few variables could be found if the model was run for 24 hours, with restart interval of 12 hours.
Picture2.png (122.43 KiB) Viewed 11763 times
More fields could be found if the model was run for 72 hours, but this still does not contain AKv.
Picture1.png (155.2 KiB) Viewed 11725 times
A lot more variables, including Akv, could be found in the restart file from my operational runs. The run duration was also 72 hours.
I was wondering how the fields included in the restart files are defined. How could I include Akv in the restart file?

Thanks in advance!

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