I have run the Roms nearshore with horizontal resolution is 500 m.
In model, we only give the tidal foring and the river foring.
we use the k-kl (turbulence closure parameters) of GLS.
After the model is stable, I find the surface salinity of the modeling region is smaller than that in observation.
even if we rise the salinty of river from 0 to 20, the runoff quantity is the real observation, the it doesn't help the increase in salinity.

we find one of point, compare the result of surface salinty in modeling and observation:
Also, we have test the .bry file, the salinty in east boundry is about the 31,while the salinty in the modeling of the east boundry is about 25~26 in the same time.

Thanks in advance for any help,
Zhixing Chen