postdoc opportunity: submesoscales via LES

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postdoc opportunity: submesoscales via LES

#1 Unread post by brettge1 »

The University of Maryland Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science is seeking a
postdoctoral researcher to study entrainment and subduction between the ocean surface
boundary layer and interior. The postdoc will develop theory and run Large-Eddy-Simulations
(LES) to determine how tracer exchanges are modified by the interaction between
submesoscales, Langmuir circulations, and turbulence. A background in physical
oceanography is required, with preference given to candidates with strong experience in ocean
dynamics and numerical modeling. The position will be located at the University of Maryland,
College Park, working with Dr. Jacob Wenegrat (, with significant opportunities for close
collaboration with Dr. Baylor Fox-Kemper (Brown,, Dr. Jay Brett (JHU-APL,, and other project
team members.

Start date is ASAP but as late as summer is possible. Please reach out with questions or your interest.
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