Vertical and horizontal mixing

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Vertical and horizontal mixing

#1 Unread post by zhangtianhao »

Hi there,

I wonder that why vertical mixing could be parameterized by k-ε model or MY2.5 model. However, horizontal mixing is just computed by setting an eddy viscosity in file.

Is ocean modeling insensitive to horizontal viscosity?

Thanks, Hoty

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Re: Vertical and horizontal mixing

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

the horizontal viscosity is usually a function of grid size and horizontal velocities.
the horiz mixing also has several choices,

the vertical viscosity is usually a function of the vertical stratification (temp, salt, sediment sometimes) and the vertical gradients in velocity (vertical shear). These vertical gradients and the turbulent vertical fluxes of temp, salt, and momentum are more difficult to parameterize, that is why there are more options for vertical. ... erizations

the model can be sensitive to both horiz and vertical, it depends on the application.

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