UCSC/UCLA postdoc in coastal coupled physical/BGC modeling

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UCSC/UCLA postdoc in coastal coupled physical/BGC modeling

#1 Unread post by cae »

The Department of Ocean Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, invite applications for the position of Postdoctoral Scholar to study coupled physical and biogeochemical processes along the central California coast as influenced by estuarine exchange and particularly nutrient input from anthropogenic sources. The modeling project involves implementation of a biogeochemical model within a high-resolution ocean model for the central California coast using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) and analysis its output toward understanding the impact of local pollution inputs on coastal ocean productivity, hypoxia, and acidification.

Strong quantitative skills and experience with numerical models and scientific programming is advantageous, particularly with Fortran and analysis tools such as Matlab, Python, or Julia. The postdoctoral scientist will work under the supervision of Profs. Christopher Edwards (UCSC) and James McWilliams (UCLA) and will collaborate with scientists at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority (www.sccwrp.org) and the San Francisco Estuary Institute (www.sfei.org). Residency in either Santa Cruz or Los Angeles is possible with the expectation of travel between the two locations. The scholar will be expected to lead their aspect of the project while simultaneously working as part of a team. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are helpful.

Ph.D. (or equivalent foreign degree) in an area of ocean sciences, civil engineering, ecological modeling, or a related field.

All documents and materials must be submitted as PDFs and should be forwarded to Professor Christopher Edwards (cedwards@ucsc.edu).

  • Letter of application that briefly summarizes your qualifications and interest in the position (required). Curriculum vitae, with a list of the contact information for three references. (required).
    Full consideration will be given to applications completed by July 11, 2021. Applications received after this date will be considered only if the position has not been filled.
Position title: Postdoctoral Scholar in Ocean Modeling

Salary range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Minimum annual salary rates are made based on the individual’s Experience Level, which is determined by the number of months of postdoctoral service at any institution. See current salary scale for Postdoctoral Titles at https://apo.ucsc.edu/compensation/salar ... index.html

Percent time: Full-time (100%).

Anticipated start: As soon as possible after initial review of the applications. Ph.D. must be in hand at time of the initial appointment.
Position duration: Postdoctoral Scholar appointments are full-time; the initial appointment is for a minimum of one year, with the possibility of reappointment. Reappointment will be contingent upon positive performance review and availability of funding. The total duration of an individual’s postdoctoral service may not exceed five years, including postdoctoral service at any institution. Under limited circumstances, an exception to this limit may be considered, not to exceed a sixth year.

Open June 11th, 2021 through Friday, Oct 1, 2021 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

Basic qualifications (required at time of application) See position description.
Help contact: cedwards@ucsc.edu

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. UC Santa Cruz is committed to excellence through diversity and strives to establish a climate that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes respect for the contributions of all students and employees. Inquiries regarding the University’s equal employment opportunity policies may be directed to the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 or by phone at (831) 459-2686.

Under Federal law, the University of California may employ only individuals who are legally able to work in the United States as established by providing documents as specified in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Certain UCSC positions funded by federal contracts or sub-contracts require the selected candidate to pass an E-Verify check (see https://www.uscis.gov/e-verify). The university sponsors employment-based visas for nonresidents who are offered academic appointments at UC Santa Cruz (see https://apo.ucsc.edu/policy/capm/102.530.html).

UCSC is a smoke & tobacco-free campus.

If you need accommodation due to a disability, please contact Disability Management Services at roberts@ucsc.edu (831) 459-4602.
UCSC is committed to addressing the spousal and partner employment needs of our candidates and employees. As part of this commitment, our institution is a member of the Northern California Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (NorCal HERC). Visit the NorCal HERC website at https://www.hercjobs.org/regions/higher ... alifornia/ to search for open positions within a commutable distance of our institution.

The University of California offers a competitive benefits package and a number of programs to support employee work/life balance. For information about employee benefits please visit https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.ed ... index.html
VISIT THE UCSC WEB SITE AT https://www.ucsc.edu

Santa Cruz, California
Job Ad JPF01095.pdf
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