Error in ending value for forcing

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Error in ending value for forcing

#1 Unread post by javadi »

Dear users

I ran Roms when considering all inputs for 6 years. I have faced an error when applying forcing file:

SET_2DFLD - current model time exceeds ending value for variable: lwrad_down
TDAYS = 30.3773
Data Tmin = -0.1250 Data Tmax = 364.8750
Data Tstr = 27.8750 Data Tend = 28.3750
TINTRP1 = 30.3750 TINTRP2 = 0.0000
FAC1 = -30.3773 FAC2 = 0.0023

I think that this error is related to Tmin and Tmax because Tmin= -0.1250 compared to other variables.

GET_2DFLD - surface u-wind component, 2013-01-29 12:00:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=58, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= -0.0625 Tmax= 364.9375) t = 28.4375
(Min = -7.35149044E+00 Max = 1.87757814E+00) regrid = T
GET_2DFLD - surface v-wind component, 2013-01-29 12:00:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=58, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= -0.0625 Tmax= 364.9375) t = 28.4375
(Min = -8.27279627E+00 Max = 4.25108480E+00) regrid = T
GET_2DFLD - surface air pressure, 2013-01-29 12:00:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=58, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= -0.0625 Tmax= 364.9375) t = 28.4375
(Min = 1.00105342E+03 Max = 1.01053235E+03) regrid = T
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, 2013-01-29 04:30:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=226, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 0.0000 Tmax= 364.8750) t = 28.1250
(Min = 4.70898018E-07 Max = 9.71761108E-06) regrid = T
GET_2DFLD - downwelling longwave radiation flux, 2013-01-29 10:30:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=58, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= -0.1250 Tmax= 364.8750) t = 28.3750
(Min = 1.78140225E-07 Max = 5.02236395E-05) regrid = T
GET_2DFLD - surface air temperature, 2013-01-29 12:00:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=58, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= -0.0625 Tmax= 364.9375) t = 28.4375
(Min = 6.14273250E-01 Max = 1.35509349E+01) regrid = T
GET_2DFLD - surface air relative humidity, 2013-01-29 12:00:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=58, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= -0.0625 Tmax= 364.9375) t = 28.4375
(Min = 5.75769498E-01 Max = 9.99434423E-01) regrid = T
GET_2DFLD - rain fall rate, 2013-01-29 04:30:00.00
(Grid=01, Rec=226, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 0.0000 Tmax= 364.8750) t = 28.1250
(Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 4.72750414E-04) regrid = T

I have done many actions to solve this problems particularly changing Ref and Dsart time. But i could not solve it. I have checked with different year and month but in all cases the error is the same. At the end of each month, I have faced this error !

Please help me with your interesting comments!

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Re: Error in ending value for forcing

#2 Unread post by wilkin »

Does this error occur at the vert start, or after the model has run for a while?

Are you using the cycle_length attribute with the time coordinate?
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559

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Re: Error in ending value for forcing

#3 Unread post by javadi »

Thank you for your response.

The model runs for 30 days and then the model has faced the error. For example, I have started from January the error is 31 January. I have started on 1 February, the error occurs on 28 Feb. In other words at the end of each month, this error occurs. I have tested for different years too. The error is the same.

NO, I have not added cycle_length. Where (input or .in)?

Another point, I have run the model for 6 years without any problem but this error occurs when changing .h. My .h is:

please see my previous post for more detail viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5840

Thanks !

Posts: 118
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Re: Error in ending value for forcing

#4 Unread post by javadi »

Dear all,

I have checked. All inputs initiate from the same time but the model faces this error. I could not understand why the tmin is not the same for variables.

I use d_ecmwf2roms to mak forcing. How should I the same tmin and tmax?

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Re: Error in ending value for forcing

#5 Unread post by javadi »

Here are my lrf_time and lhf_time variables from the input. It is clearly shown that why this error occurs.lrf_time which is related to lwrd do not cover the whole month.

lrf_time = "2012-12-31 22:30", "2013-01-01 10:30", "2013-01-01 22:30",
"2013-01-02 10:30", "2013-01-02 22:30", "2013-01-03 10:30",
"2013-01-03 22:30", "2013-01-04 10:30", "2013-01-04 22:30",
"2013-01-05 10:30", "2013-01-05 22:30", "2013-01-06 10:30",
"2013-01-06 22:30", "2013-01-07 10:30", "2013-01-07 22:30",
"2013-01-08 10:30", "2013-01-08 22:30", "2013-01-09 10:30",
"2013-01-09 22:30", "2013-01-10 10:30", "2013-01-10 22:30",
"2013-01-11 10:30", "2013-01-11 22:30", "2013-01-12 10:30",
"2013-01-12 22:30", "2013-01-13 10:30", "2013-01-13 22:30",
"2013-01-14 10:30", "2013-01-14 22:30", "2013-01-15 10:30",
"2013-01-15 22:30", "2013-01-16 10:30", "2013-01-16 22:30",
"2013-01-17 10:30", "2013-01-17 22:30", "2013-01-18 10:30",
"2013-01-18 22:30", "2013-01-19 10:30", "2013-01-19 22:30",
"2013-01-20 10:30", "2013-01-20 22:30", "2013-01-21 10:30",
"2013-01-21 22:30", "2013-01-22 10:30", "2013-01-22 22:30",
"2013-01-23 10:30", "2013-01-23 22:30", "2013-01-24 10:30",
"2013-01-24 22:30", "2013-01-25 10:30", "2013-01-25 22:30",
"2013-01-26 10:30", "2013-01-26 22:30", "2013-01-27 10:30",
"2013-01-27 22:30", "2013-01-28 10:30", "2013-01-28 22:30",
"2013-01-29 10:30", "2013-01-29 22:30", "2013-01-30 10:30",
"2013-01-30 22:30", "2013-01-31 10:30", "2013-01-01 01:30",
"2013-01-01 04:30", "2013-01-01 07:30", "2013-01-01 13:30",
"2013-01-01 16:30", "2013-01-01 19:30", "2013-01-02 01:30",
"2013-01-02 04:30", "2013-01-02 07:30", "2013-01-02 13:30",
"2013-01-02 16:30", "2013-01-02 19:30", "2013-01-03 01:30",
"2013-01-03 04:30", "2013-01-03 07:30", "2013-01-03 13:30",
"2013-01-03 16:30", "2013-01-03 19:30", "2013-01-04 01:30",
"2013-01-04 04:30", "2013-01-04 07:30", "2013-01-04 13:30",
"2013-01-04 16:30", "2013-01-04 19:30", "2013-01-05 01:30",
"2013-01-05 04:30", "2013-01-05 07:30", "2013-01-05 13:30",
"2013-01-05 16:30", "2013-01-05 19:30", "2013-01-06 01:30",
"2013-01-06 04:30", "2013-01-06 07:30", "2013-01-06 13:30",
"2013-01-06 16:30", "2013-01-06 19:30", "2013-01-07 01:30",
"2013-01-07 04:30", "2013-01-07 07:30", "2013-01-07 13:30",
"2013-01-07 16:30", "2013-01-07 19:30", "2013-01-08 01:30",
"2013-01-08 04:30", "2013-01-08 07:30", "2013-01-08 13:30",
"2013-01-08 16:30", "2013-01-08 19:30", "2013-01-09 01:30",
"2013-01-09 04:30", "2013-01-09 07:30", "2013-01-09 13:30",
"2013-01-09 16:30", "2013-01-09 19:30", "2013-01-10 01:30",
"2013-01-10 04:30", "2013-01-10 07:30", "2013-01-10 13:30",
"2013-01-10 16:30", "2013-01-10 19:30", "2013-01-11 01:30",
"2013-01-11 04:30", "2013-01-11 07:30", "2013-01-11 13:30",
"2013-01-11 16:30", "2013-01-11 19:30", "2013-01-12 01:30",
"2013-01-12 04:30", "2013-01-12 07:30", "2013-01-12 13:30",
"2013-01-12 16:30", "2013-01-12 19:30", "2013-01-13 01:30",
"2013-01-13 04:30", "2013-01-13 07:30", "2013-01-13 13:30",
"2013-01-13 16:30", "2013-01-13 19:30", "2013-01-14 01:30",
"2013-01-14 04:30", "2013-01-14 07:30", "2013-01-14 13:30",
"2013-01-14 16:30", "2013-01-14 19:30", "2013-01-15 01:30",
"2013-01-15 04:30", "2013-01-15 07:30", "2013-01-15 13:30",
"2013-01-15 16:30", "2013-01-15 19:30", "2013-01-16 01:30",
"2013-01-16 04:30", "2013-01-16 07:30", "2013-01-16 13:30",
"2013-01-16 16:30", "2013-01-16 19:30", "2013-01-17 01:30",
"2013-01-17 04:30", "2013-01-17 07:30", "2013-01-17 13:30",
"2013-01-17 16:30", "2013-01-17 19:30", "2013-01-18 01:30",
"2013-01-18 04:30", "2013-01-18 07:30", "2013-01-18 13:30",
"2013-01-18 16:30", "2013-01-18 19:30", "2013-01-19 01:30",
"2013-01-19 04:30", "2013-01-19 07:30", "2013-01-19 13:30",
"2013-01-19 16:30", "2013-01-19 19:30", "2013-01-20 01:30",
"2013-01-20 04:30", "2013-01-20 07:30", "2013-01-20 13:30",
"2013-01-20 16:30", "2013-01-20 19:30", "2013-01-21 01:30",
"2013-01-21 04:30", "2013-01-21 07:30", "2013-01-21 13:30",
"2013-01-21 16:30", "2013-01-21 19:30", "2013-01-22 01:30",
"2013-01-22 04:30", "2013-01-22 07:30", "2013-01-22 13:30",
"2013-01-22 16:30", "2013-01-22 19:30", "2013-01-23 01:30",
"2013-01-23 04:30", "2013-01-23 07:30", "2013-01-23 13:30",
"2013-01-23 16:30", "2013-01-23 19:30", "2013-01-24 01:30",
"2013-01-24 04:30", "2013-01-24 07:30", "2013-01-24 13:30",
"2013-01-24 16:30", "2013-01-24 19:30", "2013-01-25 01:30",
"2013-01-25 04:30", "2013-01-25 07:30", "2013-01-25 13:30",
"2013-01-25 16:30", "2013-01-25 19:30", "2013-01-26 01:30",
"2013-01-26 04:30", "2013-01-26 07:30", "2013-01-26 13:30",
"2013-01-26 16:30", "2013-01-26 19:30", "2013-01-27 01:30",
"2013-01-27 04:30", "2013-01-27 07:30", "2013-01-27 13:30",
"2013-01-27 16:30", "2013-01-27 19:30", "2013-01-28 01:30",
"2013-01-28 04:30", "2013-01-28 07:30", "2013-01-28 13:30",
"2013-01-28 16:30", "2013-01-28 19:30", "2013-01-29 01:30",
"2013-01-29 04:30", "2013-01-29 07:30", "2013-01-29 13:30",
"2013-01-29 16:30", "2013-01-29 19:30", "2013-01-30 01:30",
"2013-01-30 04:30", "2013-01-30 07:30", "2013-01-30 13:30",
"2013-01-30 16:30", "2013-01-30 19:30", "2013-01-31 01:30",
"2013-01-31 04:30", "2013-01-31 07:30", "2013-01-31 13:30",
"2013-01-31 16:30", "2013-01-31 19:30", "2013-01-31 22:30",
"2013-01-31 22:30", "2013-02-01 10:30", "2013-02-01 22:30",

lhf_time = "2013-01-01 01:30", "2013-01-01 04:30", "2013-01-01 07:30",
"2013-01-01 10:30", "2013-01-01 13:30", "2013-01-01 16:30",
"2013-01-01 19:30", "2013-01-01 22:30", "2013-01-02 01:30",
"2013-01-02 04:30", "2013-01-02 07:30", "2013-01-02 10:30",
"2013-01-02 13:30", "2013-01-02 16:30", "2013-01-02 19:30",
"2013-01-02 22:30", "2013-01-03 01:30", "2013-01-03 04:30",
"2013-01-03 07:30", "2013-01-03 10:30", "2013-01-03 13:30",
"2013-01-03 16:30", "2013-01-03 19:30", "2013-01-03 22:30",
"2013-01-04 01:30", "2013-01-04 04:30", "2013-01-04 07:30",
"2013-01-04 10:30", "2013-01-04 13:30", "2013-01-04 16:30",
"2013-01-04 19:30", "2013-01-04 22:30", "2013-01-05 01:30",
"2013-01-05 04:30", "2013-01-05 07:30", "2013-01-05 10:30",
"2013-01-05 13:30", "2013-01-05 16:30", "2013-01-05 19:30",
"2013-01-05 22:30", "2013-01-06 01:30", "2013-01-06 04:30",
"2013-01-06 07:30", "2013-01-06 10:30", "2013-01-06 13:30",
"2013-01-06 16:30", "2013-01-06 19:30", "2013-01-06 22:30",
"2013-01-07 01:30", "2013-01-07 04:30", "2013-01-07 07:30",
"2013-01-07 10:30", "2013-01-07 13:30", "2013-01-07 16:30",
"2013-01-07 19:30", "2013-01-07 22:30", "2013-01-08 01:30",
"2013-01-08 04:30", "2013-01-08 07:30", "2013-01-08 10:30",
"2013-01-08 13:30", "2013-01-08 16:30", "2013-01-08 19:30",
"2013-01-08 22:30", "2013-01-09 01:30", "2013-01-09 04:30",
"2013-01-09 07:30", "2013-01-09 10:30", "2013-01-09 13:30",
"2013-01-09 16:30", "2013-01-09 19:30", "2013-01-09 22:30",
"2013-01-10 01:30", "2013-01-10 04:30", "2013-01-10 07:30",
"2013-01-10 10:30", "2013-01-10 13:30", "2013-01-10 16:30",
"2013-01-10 19:30", "2013-01-10 22:30", "2013-01-11 01:30",
"2013-01-11 04:30", "2013-01-11 07:30", "2013-01-11 10:30",
"2013-01-11 13:30", "2013-01-11 16:30", "2013-01-11 19:30",
"2013-01-11 22:30", "2013-01-12 01:30", "2013-01-12 04:30",
"2013-01-12 07:30", "2013-01-12 10:30", "2013-01-12 13:30",
"2013-01-12 16:30", "2013-01-12 19:30", "2013-01-12 22:30",
"2013-01-13 01:30", "2013-01-13 04:30", "2013-01-13 07:30",
"2013-01-13 10:30", "2013-01-13 13:30", "2013-01-13 16:30",
"2013-01-13 19:30", "2013-01-13 22:30", "2013-01-14 01:30",
"2013-01-14 04:30", "2013-01-14 07:30", "2013-01-14 10:30",
"2013-01-14 13:30", "2013-01-14 16:30", "2013-01-14 19:30",
"2013-01-14 22:30", "2013-01-15 01:30", "2013-01-15 04:30",
"2013-01-15 07:30", "2013-01-15 10:30", "2013-01-15 13:30",
"2013-01-15 16:30", "2013-01-15 19:30", "2013-01-15 22:30",
"2013-01-16 01:30", "2013-01-16 04:30", "2013-01-16 07:30",
"2013-01-16 10:30", "2013-01-16 13:30", "2013-01-16 16:30",
"2013-01-16 19:30", "2013-01-16 22:30", "2013-01-17 01:30",
"2013-01-17 04:30", "2013-01-17 07:30", "2013-01-17 10:30",
"2013-01-17 13:30", "2013-01-17 16:30", "2013-01-17 19:30",
"2013-01-17 22:30", "2013-01-18 01:30", "2013-01-18 04:30",
"2013-01-18 07:30", "2013-01-18 10:30", "2013-01-18 13:30",
"2013-01-18 16:30", "2013-01-18 19:30", "2013-01-18 22:30",
"2013-01-19 01:30", "2013-01-19 04:30", "2013-01-19 07:30",
"2013-01-19 10:30", "2013-01-19 13:30", "2013-01-19 16:30",
"2013-01-19 19:30", "2013-01-19 22:30", "2013-01-20 01:30",
"2013-01-20 04:30", "2013-01-20 07:30", "2013-01-20 10:30",
"2013-01-20 13:30", "2013-01-20 16:30", "2013-01-20 19:30",
"2013-01-20 22:30", "2013-01-21 01:30", "2013-01-21 04:30",
"2013-01-21 07:30", "2013-01-21 10:30", "2013-01-21 13:30",
"2013-01-21 16:30", "2013-01-21 19:30", "2013-01-21 22:30",
"2013-01-22 01:30", "2013-01-22 04:30", "2013-01-22 07:30",
"2013-01-22 10:30", "2013-01-22 13:30", "2013-01-22 16:30",
"2013-01-22 19:30", "2013-01-22 22:30", "2013-01-23 01:30",
"2013-01-23 04:30", "2013-01-23 07:30", "2013-01-23 10:30",
"2013-01-23 13:30", "2013-01-23 16:30", "2013-01-23 19:30",
"2013-01-23 22:30", "2013-01-24 01:30", "2013-01-24 04:30",
"2013-01-24 07:30", "2013-01-24 10:30", "2013-01-24 13:30",
"2013-01-24 16:30", "2013-01-24 19:30", "2013-01-24 22:30",
"2013-01-25 01:30", "2013-01-25 04:30", "2013-01-25 07:30",
"2013-01-25 10:30", "2013-01-25 13:30", "2013-01-25 16:30",
"2013-01-25 19:30", "2013-01-25 22:30", "2013-01-26 01:30",
"2013-01-26 04:30", "2013-01-26 07:30", "2013-01-26 10:30",
"2013-01-26 13:30", "2013-01-26 16:30", "2013-01-26 19:30",
"2013-01-26 22:30", "2013-01-27 01:30", "2013-01-27 04:30",
"2013-01-27 07:30", "2013-01-27 10:30", "2013-01-27 13:30",
"2013-01-27 16:30", "2013-01-27 19:30", "2013-01-27 22:30",
"2013-01-28 01:30", "2013-01-28 04:30", "2013-01-28 07:30",
"2013-01-28 10:30", "2013-01-28 13:30", "2013-01-28 16:30",
"2013-01-28 19:30", "2013-01-28 22:30", "2013-01-29 01:30",
"2013-01-29 04:30", "2013-01-29 07:30", "2013-01-29 10:30",
"2013-01-29 13:30", "2013-01-29 16:30", "2013-01-29 19:30",
"2013-01-29 22:30", "2013-01-30 01:30", "2013-01-30 04:30",
"2013-01-30 07:30", "2013-01-30 10:30", "2013-01-30 13:30",
"2013-01-30 16:30", "2013-01-30 19:30", "2013-01-30 22:30",
"2013-01-31 01:30", "2013-01-31 04:30", "2013-01-31 07:30",
"2013-01-31 10:30", "2013-01-31 13:30", "2013-01-31 16:30",
"2013-01-31 19:30", "2013-01-31 22:30", "2013-02-01 01:30",

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Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:10 pm
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Re: Error in ending value for forcing

#6 Unread post by Yangjun666 »

Hi ,Javadi

I would like to know if you have solved this problem. I have the same problem too.
I am looking forward to your help.

Jun Yang

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