- Posts: 48
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- Location: Universidad del Mar (UMAR), Mexico
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Hi modelers!
I'm trying to use the d_ecmwf2roms.m tool, but I've been having an error using it:
** Creating ROMS NetCDF forcing file: /home/ahumada/roms-3.7/matlab/forcing/forcing_inputs/gt_Qair_era.nc **
Wrote lon into record: , Min=-1.40000e+02 Max=-7.00000e+01
Wrote lat into record: , Min=-1.00000e+01 Max= 4.00000e+01
** Creating ROMS NetCDF forcing file: /home/ahumada/roms-3.7/matlab/forcing/forcing_inputs/gt_PAR_era.nc **
Error using roms_metadata (line 5166)
ROMS_METADATA: unable to find metadata for variable: PAR
Error in d_ecmwf2roms (line 364)
S.Variables(5) = roms_metadata(Vname, spherical, nctype, Unlimited);
I have already checked the file that have the PAR variable (ecmwf_era_temp_2000.nc), and it's ok...
nc{'par'} = ncshort('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'); %% 50616225 elements.
nc{'par'}.scale_factor = ncdouble(54.7914857781576);
nc{'par'}.add_offset = ncdouble(1795297.82300711);
nc{'par'}.FillValue_ = ncshort(-32767);
nc{'par'}.missing_value = ncshort(-32767);
nc{'par'}.units = ncchar(''J m**-2'');
nc{'par'}.long_name = ncchar(''Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface'');
I have downloaded this variable for other months and I still get the same error.
Could anybody help me to solve this problem?
Many thanks in advance.
Scarlett Mar.Mo.
I'm trying to use the d_ecmwf2roms.m tool, but I've been having an error using it:
** Creating ROMS NetCDF forcing file: /home/ahumada/roms-3.7/matlab/forcing/forcing_inputs/gt_Qair_era.nc **
Wrote lon into record: , Min=-1.40000e+02 Max=-7.00000e+01
Wrote lat into record: , Min=-1.00000e+01 Max= 4.00000e+01
** Creating ROMS NetCDF forcing file: /home/ahumada/roms-3.7/matlab/forcing/forcing_inputs/gt_PAR_era.nc **
Error using roms_metadata (line 5166)
ROMS_METADATA: unable to find metadata for variable: PAR
Error in d_ecmwf2roms (line 364)
S.Variables(5) = roms_metadata(Vname, spherical, nctype, Unlimited);
I have already checked the file that have the PAR variable (ecmwf_era_temp_2000.nc), and it's ok...
nc{'par'} = ncshort('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'); %% 50616225 elements.
nc{'par'}.scale_factor = ncdouble(54.7914857781576);
nc{'par'}.add_offset = ncdouble(1795297.82300711);
nc{'par'}.FillValue_ = ncshort(-32767);
nc{'par'}.missing_value = ncshort(-32767);
nc{'par'}.units = ncchar(''J m**-2'');
nc{'par'}.long_name = ncchar(''Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface'');
I have downloaded this variable for other months and I still get the same error.
Could anybody help me to solve this problem?
Many thanks in advance.
Scarlett Mar.Mo.
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
You are correct in that the issue is not with your downloaded data. Your roms_metadata.m doesn't come with PAR so d_ecmwf2roms.m doesn't know how to handle it. You need to add PAR to the variables in roms_metadata.m. The modification I made (that appears to be working for me) is as follows...
Hopefully that helps!
You are correct in that the issue is not with your downloaded data. Your roms_metadata.m doesn't come with PAR so d_ecmwf2roms.m doesn't know how to handle it. You need to add PAR to the variables in roms_metadata.m. The modification I made (that appears to be working for me) is as follows...
Code: Select all
diff roms_metadata.m_jbz roms_metadata.m_orig
< case 'PAR'
< V.Name = Vname;
< V.Dimensions(1).Name = 'lon';
< V.Dimensions(1).Length = [];
< V.Dimensions(1).Unlimited = false;
< V.Dimensions(2).Name = 'lat';
< V.Dimensions(2).Length = [];
< V.Dimensions(2).Unlimited = false;
< V.Dimensions(3).Name = 'srf_time';
< V.Dimensions(3).Length = [];
< V.Dimensions(3).Unlimited = Unlimited;
< V.Size = [];
< V.Attributes(1).Name = 'long_name';
< V.Attributes(1).Value = 'Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface';
< V.Attributes(2).Name = 'units';
< V.Attributes(2).Value = 'Watt meter-2';
< V.Attributes(3).Name = 'positive_value';
< V.Attributes(3).Value = 'downward flux, heating';
< V.Attributes(4).Name = 'negative_value';
< V.Attributes(4).Value = 'upward flux, cooling';
< V.Attributes(5).Name = 'time';
< V.Attributes(5).Value = 'lrf_time';
< V.Attributes(6).Name = 'coordinates';
< V.Attributes(6).Value = 'lon lat lrf_time';
< V.Cgridtype.Name = 'density point';
< V.Cgridtype.Value = 1;
< V.Datatype = Datatype;
< V.ncType = nc_constant(nctype);
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
'PAR' is not a variable in the suite of forcing data used by ROMS distributed at myroms.org, so it has no entry in in the associated roms_metadata.m.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
- Posts: 48
- Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:42 pm
- Location: Universidad del Mar (UMAR), Mexico
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Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
Many thanks Joe and John!
It worked with Joe's advice (thanks Joe), but now I know is not necessary (thaks John)
My script worked. But I've been having problems with the dates.
I downloaded the forcing variables since ECMWF page, but it only let me download month by month.
The d_ecmwf2roms.m script don't show me any "Error" , but I see in the command window that some variables are not being created in the date that should be.
For example when I run d_ecmwf2roms.m for February (only Febrary input) I get this:
** Processing: swrad for 26-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0207, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0208, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 03:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0209, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 4.36107e+02
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 06:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0210, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 09:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0211, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0212, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 15:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0213, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 5.05901e+02
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 18:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0214, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0215, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0216, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 03:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0217, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 4.32161e+02
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 06:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0218, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 09:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0219, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0220, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 15:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0221, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 5.04586e+02
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 18:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0222, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0223, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 01-Mar-2001 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0224, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: Uwind for 01-Jan-2001 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0001, Min=-1.12991e+01 Max= 1.65393e+01
** Processing: Uwind for 01-Jan-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0002, Min=-1.32769e+01 Max= 1.13341e+01
** Processing: Uwind for 02-Jan-2001 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0003, Min=-1.29289e+01 Max= 1.01099e+01
** Processing: Uwind for 02-Jan-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0004, Min=-1.32628e+01 Max= 1.17511e+01
The output forcing file for Febrary, March and the others start in January (when the input file is only for one month)
Or another problem...
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 09:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0101, Min=-1.75995e+01 Max= 2.81982e+01
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 15:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0102, Min=-1.48309e+01 Max= 3.06776e+01
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 18:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0103, Min=-1.05160e+01 Max= 3.45903e+01
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0104, Min=-9.84230e+00 Max= 3.48189e+01
** Processing: Tair for 09-Feb-2001 03:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0105, Min=-1.54309e+01 Max= 2.91678e+01
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0106, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0107, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0108, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0109, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0110, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0111, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0112, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0113, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0114, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
The output forcing file write information for January 1900... (I only get this error for February and the following months)
How can I fix this problems?
Thanks in advance and Cheers.
I will add my d_ecmwf2roms.m script.
It worked with Joe's advice (thanks Joe), but now I know is not necessary (thaks John)

My script worked. But I've been having problems with the dates.
I downloaded the forcing variables since ECMWF page, but it only let me download month by month.
The d_ecmwf2roms.m script don't show me any "Error" , but I see in the command window that some variables are not being created in the date that should be.
For example when I run d_ecmwf2roms.m for February (only Febrary input) I get this:
** Processing: swrad for 26-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0207, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0208, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 03:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0209, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 4.36107e+02
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 06:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0210, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 09:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0211, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0212, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 15:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0213, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 5.05901e+02
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 18:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0214, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 27-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0215, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0216, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 03:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0217, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 4.32161e+02
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 06:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0218, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 09:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0219, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0220, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 15:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0221, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 5.04586e+02
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 18:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0222, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 28-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0223, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: swrad for 01-Mar-2001 **
Wrote swrad into record: 0224, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
** Processing: Uwind for 01-Jan-2001 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0001, Min=-1.12991e+01 Max= 1.65393e+01
** Processing: Uwind for 01-Jan-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0002, Min=-1.32769e+01 Max= 1.13341e+01
** Processing: Uwind for 02-Jan-2001 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0003, Min=-1.29289e+01 Max= 1.01099e+01
** Processing: Uwind for 02-Jan-2001 12:00:00 **
Wrote Uwind into record: 0004, Min=-1.32628e+01 Max= 1.17511e+01
The output forcing file for Febrary, March and the others start in January (when the input file is only for one month)
Or another problem...
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 09:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0101, Min=-1.75995e+01 Max= 2.81982e+01
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 15:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0102, Min=-1.48309e+01 Max= 3.06776e+01
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 18:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0103, Min=-1.05160e+01 Max= 3.45903e+01
** Processing: Tair for 08-Feb-2001 21:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0104, Min=-9.84230e+00 Max= 3.48189e+01
** Processing: Tair for 09-Feb-2001 03:00:00 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0105, Min=-1.54309e+01 Max= 2.91678e+01
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0106, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0107, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0108, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0109, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0110, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0111, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0112, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0113, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
** Processing: Tair for 01-Jan-1900 **
Wrote Tair into record: 0114, Min= 4.98535e+00 Max= 4.98535e+00
The output forcing file write information for January 1900... (I only get this error for February and the following months)
How can I fix this problems?
Thanks in advance and Cheers.
I will add my d_ecmwf2roms.m script.
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Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
Hi everybody!
I solved the last problem, the error was in my files. My internet isn't good and the download was bad, the files were damaged.
When I donwnload the files again, everything ran good.
Thanks again for your help.
Scarlett Mar.Mo.
I solved the last problem, the error was in my files. My internet isn't good and the download was bad, the files were damaged.
When I donwnload the files again, everything ran good.
Thanks again for your help.
Scarlett Mar.Mo.
- AbhiPasula
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2019 4:10 pm
- Location: Indian Institute of Science
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
Hi modelers,
i am new to ROMS modelling and trying to run the model using the ECMWF forcing
i have downloaded the data of 2016 entire year from ecmwf and saved in following nc files.
ecmwf_era_atms_2016.nc time, msl, tcc, v10u, v10u
ecmwf_era_flux_2016.nc time, ewss, nsss, e, tp
ecmwf_era_heat_2016.nc time, sshf, slhf, ssr, str
ecmwf_era_temp_2016.nc time, t2m, d2m, ssrd, par
I have used the d_ecmwf2roms.m code to generate following nc files.
like that 13 nc files as mentioned in d_ecmwf2roms.m
MY Question is:
How can use these 13 .nc files to create the roms_frc.nc file which can be used as forcing.
i am new to ROMS modelling and trying to run the model using the ECMWF forcing
i have downloaded the data of 2016 entire year from ecmwf and saved in following nc files.
ecmwf_era_atms_2016.nc time, msl, tcc, v10u, v10u
ecmwf_era_flux_2016.nc time, ewss, nsss, e, tp
ecmwf_era_heat_2016.nc time, sshf, slhf, ssr, str
ecmwf_era_temp_2016.nc time, t2m, d2m, ssrd, par
I have used the d_ecmwf2roms.m code to generate following nc files.
like that 13 nc files as mentioned in d_ecmwf2roms.m
MY Question is:
How can use these 13 .nc files to create the roms_frc.nc file which can be used as forcing.
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
You have two choices. One is to leave the files as they are and just list them all in the FRCNAME. Here is an example:
Your other choice is to use the netcdf operators (NCO) package to put them all into one file.
Code: Select all
NFFILES == 14 ! number of forcing files
FRCNAME == /center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Pair_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Pair_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Qair_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Qair_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Tair_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Tair_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_rain_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_rain_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_snow_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_snow_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_swrad_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_swrad_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_lwrad_down_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_lwrad_down_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Uwind_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Uwind_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Vwind_2015.nc |
/center1/AKWATERS/kate/JRA55-do/JRA55DO_1.4_Vwind_2016.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kshedstrom/CORE2/sss_fill_2004.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kshedstrom/Arctic/Files/iron_sediment_ARCTIC4.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kshedstrom/Chukchi/Files/Mineral_Fe_Flux_PI_ROMS.nc \
/center1/AKWATERS/kshedstrom/Chukchi/Files/Soluble_Fe_Flux_PI_ROMS.nc \
- AbhiPasula
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2019 4:10 pm
- Location: Indian Institute of Science
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
A small correction in the question,
i am using the AGRIF version,
there is no option for NFFILES in romstools_param.m
correct me if i am wrong, i think, have to give only one nc file as forcing input.
i am using the AGRIF version,
there is no option for NFFILES in romstools_param.m
correct me if i am wrong, i think, have to give only one nc file as forcing input.
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
Then you have to either use NCO to merge the files, use something else to merge the files, or hack that ROMS to be able to read multiple files.
- AbhiPasula
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2019 4:10 pm
- Location: Indian Institute of Science
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
Thank you, will try this
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:45 pm
- Location: UFBA and REMO
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
Hello everyone,
Is there a script in matlab or python to write ROMS forcing files using JRA55-do dataset?
Thanks in advance,
Is there a script in matlab or python to write ROMS forcing files using JRA55-do dataset?
Thanks in advance,
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
I started down that route with a modified version of my roms_write_era5_NCARds633_frcfile.m accessing the JRA data at NCAR (https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds628.0/#!access). I was having some trouble tracking down all the variables required for bulk fluxes - they are scattered through several OPeNDP end points. But it could be done.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:45 pm
- Location: UFBA and REMO
Re: d_ecmwf2roms.m
Thanks for your reply John.
I checked both your routines: roms_{get,write}_era5_NCARds633_frcfile.m. They are quite nice. Though, we have annual files of JRA55-do already download on the server.
Then I decided to modify d_ecmwf2roms.m to read and write JRA55-do variables for bulk_fluxes option. The script is attached if it is of any help.
I checked both your routines: roms_{get,write}_era5_NCARds633_frcfile.m. They are quite nice. Though, we have annual files of JRA55-do already download on the server.
Then I decided to modify d_ecmwf2roms.m to read and write JRA55-do variables for bulk_fluxes option. The script is attached if it is of any help.
- Attachments
- (19.9 KiB) Downloaded 513 times