how to create grid?

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how to create grid?

#1 Unread post by shiyf »

I am a new user, i will be very grateful for your any Suggestions.

I want create grid from 5S-70N and 30E-255E. In the beginning, i used easy_grid.m script,and setting:
" % Geographical and Grid parameters --------
lat = -5.0; % Latitude (degrees) of the bottom-left corner of the grid.
lon = 30.0; % Longitude (degrees) of the bottom-left corner of the grid.

X = 225.*111.*1000.; % Width of domain (meters)
Y = 75.*111.*1000.; % Length of domain (meters)
rotangle = 3.0; % Angle (degrees) to rotate the grid conterclock-wise
resol = 1./6.*111.*1000.;
N = 10; % Number of vertical levels

when there was error, I changed of different 'rotangle' parameters, but it was always wrong.

could you tell me where are my mistakes?

In addition, someone tell me that some other matlab tools(eg,seagrid,Matlab/grid/) also could create grid,and i download many .m file from website.But I am very confused Which one is the most convenient for new user,could you give some advice,I would be very grateful!

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Re: how to create grid?

#2 Unread post by fereshteh »

if you want to create Rectangular grid ,i suggest you use roms-agrif version. it is so easy to use program.
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Re: how to create grid?

#3 Unread post by shiyf »

fereshteh wrote:hi
if you want to create Rectangular grid ,i suggest you use roms-agrif version. it is so easy to use program.
be Successful
thank you very much! Now,i try to use seagrid to create grid!

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