Extracting depth associated with each level

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Extracting depth associated with each level

#1 Unread post by tnmiles »

I'm extracting data on s-levels but want to know what depths the points in each of these levels are associated with as a 2-d grid. Would I have to calculate this using the stretching parameter, or is there an easy way to output this? I'm currently using roms_sview to get each levels u and v data, and then rotating them using roms_uvrhotate. So I have a 2-d map on a single level. I'd like to find out the depths associated with this 2-d level.

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Re: Extracting depth associated with each level

#2 Unread post by arango »

You are using John Wilkin Matlab scripts. I always use matlab/utility/depths.m from the ROMS Matlab repostory :arrow: https://www.myroms.org/svn/src/matlab. Or I use the ROMS grid structure computed from matlab/grid/get_roms_grid.m. See :arrow: WikiROMS for details.

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Re: Extracting depth associated with each level

#3 Unread post by tnmiles »

Got it, thanks!

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