how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

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how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#1 Unread post by viviocean »

hi everybody, I learn how to make grid that Locally Add Mesh Density in Qingdao bathing beach which is noted in red ellipse. when I move the spacer to close the bathing beach, only the line near the boundary move, not the whole line close to Qingdao bathing beach, and the result is post. did anybody counter this phenonmena. how to deal with it? Or any other method to Locally Add Mesh Density in this place
qd.png (27.34 KiB) Viewed 9283 times


Re: how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#2 Unread post by zycao »

It can add grid density but not lik unstructure trigrid because of structure orthogonality .

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Re: how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#3 Unread post by rsignell »

With the large domain you are showing and with your target being a beach, I think you will need to take a nesting approach -- trying to use a single stretched curvilinear grid will not give you the resolution you want near the beach without creating high resolution in areas outside the area of interest -- resulting in huge inefficiency.

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Re: how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#4 Unread post by LiuZHQ »

Hi vviocean,

you may want to try Delft3D to generate the grid. Someone posted that topic.

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Re: how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#5 Unread post by nacholibre »

In order to do the stretching properly in Seagrid you will need to build the correct mex files for your system and add the folder that contains them to your Matlab path. Alternatively you can also look at the mex_matlabXX_winXX folders under the Seagrid folder to see if there is a version that matches with the your Matlab and Windows versions. If you don't see an exact match you can try the closest one. If you get it to work correctly, the lines in your grid will stay orthogonal when you move the spacers (i.e. they will have more or less 90-degree angles at the corners). More detailed information is availalble at the Readme.txt under these folders.
Good luck!

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Re: how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#6 Unread post by thisara »

nacholibre wrote:viviocean,
In order to do the stretching properly in Seagrid you will need to build the correct mex files for your system and add the folder that contains them to your Matlab path. Alternatively you can also look at the mex_matlabXX_winXX folders under the Seagrid folder to see if there is a version that matches with the your Matlab and Windows versions. If you don't see an exact match you can try the closest one. If you get it to work correctly, the lines in your grid will stay orthogonal when you move the spacers (i.e. they will have more or less 90-degree angles at the corners). More detailed information is availalble at the Readme.txt under these folders.
Good luck!

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Re: how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#7 Unread post by thisara »

I am new to the ROMS.
I am still learning how to create grid using seagrid. I have no problem up to the adding spacers. I could add spacers but they don't stretch the grid by dragging them along the boundaries. Can't figure out why.
I am working on Ubuntu 12.04 platform with Matlab R2012a
Please help.

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Re: how to use seagrid to Locally Add Mesh Density

#8 Unread post by thisara »

I have fixed the problem. I used the seagrid from ROMS matlab repository rather cmgsoft link under woodshole.
[*]Mexnc and SNC tools were not required for MatlabR2012b.
[*]I used TortoiseSVN version 1.7.0, which worked fine with Windows-64bit. (


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