2005 ROMS/TOMS Workshop, Fifth Notice

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2005 ROMS/TOMS Workshop, Fifth Notice

#1 Unread post by arango »

2005 ROMS/TOMS workshop

Scripps has graciously offered funds to partially support the 2005 ROMS Workshop. As a result, we will requesting a small registration fee of 50 US dollars to cover all the workshop organization expenses.

Each morning we will provide a light continental breakfast. There also will be coffee, tea, juice and pastries for the morning break. We have scheduled two hour lunch breaks so you will have a chance to relax, walk by the beach and enjoy the beautiful scenery in and around Scripps. In the afternoon session we will have another break with light refreshments.

Monday evening will be the poster session and reception. We'll have beer, wine, soda, appetizers, cheese, veggies and other finger foods.

The workshop will adjourn at noon Wednesday. However, we will leave the rest of the afternoon for informal exchanges and technical questions that you may have about adjoint modeling or any other topic. We will be hosting this informal get together at the IGPP Munk Conference Room. To make the afternoon more interesting we will have a wine testing contest for those interested and other social events.

The complete agenda will be posted online early next week.

See you in La Jolla, Workshop organizers

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