New ROMS Web Site

Facts, news, and guidance about ROMS software

Moderators: arango, robertson

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New ROMS Web Site

#1 Unread post by arango »

Dear Fellows,

WELCOME TO THE NEW UPDATED ROMS SITE. We have recently overhauled the main ROMS modeling site with the hope of making it more interactive. There are several new features:

* User Login ability (to control source codes availability and other features). Please change assigned password to one of your choice. Your password is stored on a secure database. If you forgot your password, it will automatically e-mail to you if you request it.

* Notice our new web site address:

* A bulletin board that allows for posting of messages by users.

* A system that allows for the posting of events, related papers and projects by users in lieu of the webmaster.

* A user biographical web page (optional).

* Search engine for Users, Papers, and more.

* customizable web page properties like background and foreground colors, font type and size, etc.

In the near future we will have:

* A java based chat room for all registered users.

* There will be an umbrella site that presents an overview of all the projects within the modeling community.

We appreciate if you would check your personal information. Please update and/or complete this information, in particular: e-mail, postal address, phones, and web pages.

Any Questions/Suggestions/Concerns/Problems should be referred to the address below. Best Wishes for the new year,

Hernan Arango <>
Esben Vogelius <>
Last edited by arango on Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:22 pm
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Is there an archive of info sent to the ROMS mailing list?

#2 Unread post by rsignell »

I can't seem to find an archive of the ROMS mailing list. Am I overlooking it somewhere

-Rich Signell

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