ROMS Talks/Posters at the Ocean Sciences, Hawaii 2002

Facts, news, and guidance about ROMS software

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ROMS Talks/Posters at the Ocean Sciences, Hawaii 2002

#1 Unread post by arango »

Dear Fellows,

It was nice to see some of you at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Hawaii. There were several interesting ROMS related talks and posters at this meeting. Seems that ROMS is reaching a level of maturity which allow us to get very good applications.

If you have a PowerPoint talk or poster, we will like to posted it in the ROMS web site. Please put your files in our incoming directory:

Name: anonymous
Password: (your e-mail)
directory: pub/incoming

I will appreciate if you send me an e-mail after you FTPed your file.

As you may have noticed, the ROMS site has changed a lot in the last three months. We appreciate your feedback.

Seems that some of you are not aware of the changes in the ROMS web site and did not received the assigned password. If you have not received or forgot your password, it will automatically e-mail to you if you requested it: (new address)

You can change the assigned password to one of your choice. Your password is stored in a secure database. This password can be used to access software, bulletin boards, and chat rooms.

Best, Hernan

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