2006 ROMS/TOMS Workshop T-shirt

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2006 ROMS/TOMS Workshop T-shirt

#1 Unread post by arango »

We would like to order T-shirts for the 2006 ROMS/TOMS European Workshop. For those attending the workshop, we will include its price in the registration fee which we expect to be small. We are still waiting for support for the workshop logistics.

If you are not attending or would like to purchase the T-shirt, please let us know by September 28. The cost will be between 16 and 20 U.S. Dollars. It depends on that quantity that we order. Please send an e-mail to arango@marine.rutgers.edu or robertson@marine.rutgers.edu with the quantity and size(s) you wish to order, if you are attending or just want to buy the T-shirt. We need to think more about overseas requests and delivery of the T-shirt.

The links below show the design for the T-shirt. As in previous workshops, the T-shirt is of high quality, pre-washed, and black. You will find the ROMS logo in the front with the University of Alcala building in the background. In the back, you will find an artistic wave design with ROMS acronym translated into several languages. Notice that some of the translations have been repeated for visual purposes. Please check if the translations are spelled correctly. We are still working on the Japanese and Korean translations.

Front image detail
Back image detail

You may need to save the "image detail" files (PDFs) to disk in order to view them.

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