ROMS Webcasts

Discussions, suggestions and corrections to ROMS/TOMS documentation currently under developement.

Moderators: arango, robertson

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ROMS Webcasts

#1 Unread post by arango »

The ROMS web site has a new Webcasts Menu that direct you to Presentations and Tutorials. The webcasts require Macromedia Flash Player which is probably installed in your browser and/or computer. We have been working on these for the last few months and we think that this is a good way to spread ROMS documentation via presentation and tutorials.

Currently, we have several adjoint related key presentations from last ROMS Workshop at Scripps (October 25, 2005). We have sound and video for these presentations but decided to use only the audio so the resulting flash file is small.

You have the choice to download the flash movies and save it on your disk so you can playback easily.

We will continue improving this approach to documentation and start working on tutorials.

Any feedback is welcome on this thread below.

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