create river forcing for 2D model

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create river forcing for 2D model

#1 Unread post by zduvims »

Hi everyone,

I am trying to add river sources to a 2D model. The matlab script create_roms_rivers.m works for 3D, and I am not sure if I could just eliminate all the terms related to N/theta_s/theta_b. Does anyone have a matlab file that can create river forcing for a 2D model?

Some concerns:
1. Since the model is 2D, if I use LwSrc = T, does the point source still have to enter the cells through w-face?
2. Does river_Vshape only has one value ( = 1) in a 2D case?

Thank you!

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Re: create river forcing for 2D model

#2 Unread post by wilkin »

This is not a use case that anyone has run, to my knowledge anyway.

In principle it should work, because the volume flux is introduced via Nonlinear/step2d_LF_AM3.h (search for LwSrc to see where it is done). There are no loops over k, of course, and so the additional information like river_Vshape should be irrelevant. However, it is quite likely that ROMS I/O will want to process river_Vshape by default. If river_Vshape is absent from your forcing file and it throws an error, then put it back in with N=1 and set river_Vshape = 1. Let us know what happens.

A point of clarification for everyone ... The remarks in the code and river file attributes that LwSrc is "flow through a w-face" is misleading. It is not. It is flow introduced in the cell center as a volume flux divergence added directly to the right-hand-side. It makes so assumption about how the flow got there (through which face). It would be better described as a rho points source, perhaps even as the option LrSrc to be explicit, but for legacy reasons we've left it as LwSrc.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559

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Re: create river forcing for 2D model

#3 Unread post by zduvims »

Hi John,

I set N = 1 and river_Vshape = 1, and it turned out the 2D model can work with rivers. Thank you!

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