Unable to complete ./build.bash compilation

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Unable to complete ./build.bash compilation

#1 Unread post by ShimaKasaei »

Hello all,

I am a new user to ROMS and trying to follow tutorial steps to run my modified model in both serial and parallel.
My problem is, I am not able to get ROMS executables after doing ./build.bash as it says:

rm -f -r core *.ipo /home/ywang/roms/Projects/JB01/Build /home/ywang/make_macros.mk
cp -f /opt/junk/netcdff/include/netcdf.mod /home/ywang/roms/Projects/JB01/Build
cp -f /opt/junk/netcdff/include/typesizes.mod /home/ywang/roms/Projects/JB01/Build
cp -p /home/ywang/make_macros.mk /home/ywang/roms/Projects/JB01/Build
make: *** No rule to make target `8'. Stop.

Anyone has any thoughts for the possible issue?

Thank you in advance.


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Re: Unable to complete ./build.bash compilation

#2 Unread post by robertson »

How and when did you download your ROMS source code? The bash build script has not been named build.bash for almost 4 years and is now called build_roms.sh. Are you perhaps trying to use an old build.bash with the new source code? If so, I would suggest starting anew with the build_roms.sh file from the ROMS/Bin directory of the new source code as many, many things have changed in ROMS since build.bash was last used.

Also, what tutorial are you following?

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Re: Unable to complete ./build.bash compilation

#3 Unread post by ShimaKasaei »

Well yes, I am using the old version but everything is consistent, I mean build.bash and the ROMS version.
As for the tutorial, I am following Wiki ROMS steps to run my case, and there is a manual also that we can get it online which tried to use.

Any other assumption for my issue?


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Re: Unable to complete ./build.bash compilation

#4 Unread post by robertson »

If everything is consistent, the error would suggest that there is a typo somewhere that is making ROMS think it's supposed to be building something called '8'. Perhaps there's a path with a space in it or just an errant '8'?

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