boundary condition

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boundary condition

#1 Unread post by AMIRHOSSEIN »

Hi everybody,
I have a basic question about boundary conditions and did not find the answer in this forum.
Why when we use Cha for free-surface and Rad for momentum in 2D and 3D mode, the boundary file is not read,
but when we use RadNud for free-surface or Fla mode for momentum in 2D mode, the input boundary file is usually read?
Can we add an option in the header file that also reads the boundary file when we use Cha mode for free-surface or sth like this?

thanks a lot

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Re: boundary condition

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

" Cha for free-surface and Rad for momentum in 2D and 3D mode, the boundary file is not read"
Yes, those BC's do not need any external data. so a file does not need to be read.

" RadNud for free-surface or Fla mode for momentum in 2D mode, the input boundary file is usually read"
Yes, RadNud needs external data to nudge towards. The Fla uses external ubar vbar and zeta.
That external data can come from a netcdf forc file, or from ana _m2obc _fsobc _tobc etc.

There is no need to read a frc file for Cha.


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Re: boundary condition

#3 Unread post by AMIRHOSSEIN »

Thank you jcwarner.

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