Using wind data to model wind induced current when coupling ROMS and SWAN

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Using wind data to model wind induced current when coupling ROMS and SWAN

#1 Unread post by leahstella »

I have a wave model in SWAN that I plan to couple with ROMS. As SWAN includes wave induced current I am wondering if this is built into ROMS when I couple the model or should I include the wind data in both of the models.
I am trying to use COAWST to do this but I may just do this completely in ROMS if constraints make this so.

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Re: Using wind data to model wind induced current when coupling ROMS and SWAN

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

i am not completely clear of what you are saying. If you are looking to couple ROMS and SWAN, that has been accomplished. It has taken lots of work and many years. I would recommend you use the COAWST system here:
and read Kumar's paper: ... via%3Dihub
as an explanation of the coupling.-j

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