ROMS+SWAN - WAM cycle 4.5 boundary conditions

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ROMS+SWAN - WAM cycle 4.5 boundary conditions

#1 Unread post by ymamoutos »


I am trying to setup a coupled ROMS-SWAN coastal application using COAWST. ROMS setup is OK and running smoothly
but SWAN - coupled and not - gives the following error when I run it using debugger :

forrtl: error (182): floating invalid - possible uninitialized real/complex variable.
Image PC Routine Line Source
coawstG 00000000038DD3C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread-2.17.s 00002B43600F85D0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
coawstG 00000000036B48F7 inreal_ 482 ocpcre.f90
coawstG 000000000333F2EA swread_ 1704 swanpre1.f90
coawstG 0000000002EDD57D swan_initialize_ 331 swanmain.f90
coawstG 0000000002E0DCAD waves_control_mod 76 waves_control.f90
coawstG 00000000004180E0 MAIN__ 214 master.f90
coawstG 000000000040F7A2 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00002B436052B495 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
coawstG 000000000040F6A9 Unknown Unknown Unknown

For SWAN boundary conditions I am using WAM output (unformatted files) from our operational model. SWAN errfile gives the following message

Terminating error: File cannot be opened/does not exist: CBO20210205000000.

I must say that I tried to run SWAN 41.31 version ( as it is but I ended up to modify swanpre2.f and swanmain.f to read properly WAM files. At the moment I haven't change anything in COAWST SWAN code. I am using intel fortran and mpich 3.2.1.

Any help or suggestion is highly appreciated


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Re: ROMS+SWAN - WAM cycle 4.5 boundary conditions

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

can you please post the same message here:

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