Blowing up on first time step

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Blowing up on first time step

#1 Unread post by rgawde »

Hello everyone,

I have been running the ROMS version 3.5 on a Linux x86_64 server using ifort as the compiler with no biological modules. But now I have defined the basic BIO_FENNEL and other related modules and the model blows up on the very first time step. I tried to reduce the time step but that doesn't help either. I am attaching the log file I get with the run along with the '.h' and '.in' files below.

Could anyone please help?

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Re: Blowing up on first time step

#2 Unread post by kate »

Well, it's weird. There aren't that many ways for the ecosystem models to feed back to the physics and cause a blowup like that. I would look for compiler options to force a blowup at the first sign of NaN or Inf. Try compiling with USE_DEBUG so you'll get line numbers when it blows up.

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