Why does ROMS requires a special CPP?

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Why does ROMS requires a special CPP?

#1 Unread post by robertson »

As of ROMS 2.0 Der Mouse's CPP code is no longer neccessary.

ROMS versions prior to 2.0 use extensive C-preprocessing to configure its various numerical and physical options. The parallel design of the code for both shared- and distributed memory computers is managed also with CPP definitions. This often requires more than one replacement in a single line of code which is not allowed by the default /lib/cpp in some platforms. We found out that this not a problem on SGI platforms but it does not work in SUN platforms. In order to solve this portability problem, we provide a CPP code written by Der Mouse that offers multiple macro replacements and other extra features. Users just need to compile this special CPP software and place it in their $HOME/bin directory or specify the complete path for it in the Makefile.

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